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SR-A67518 · Issue 251304

Google Chrome check added for character count

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Unlike Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer , Google Chrome considers new line/carriage returns as two characters. This resulted in different character count values on refresh than when entering the text on the text area. This also could cause unexpected truncation of the text due to exceeding the max character value. To account for this, a condition specific to Google Chrome has been added to the rule utility function pzGenerateTextArea to take into consideration two characters for a line break or a carriage return.

SR-A24147 · Issue 253601

Google Chrome check added for character count

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Unlike Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer , Google Chrome considers new line/carriage returns as two characters. This resulted in different character count values on refresh than when entering the text on the text area. This also could cause unexpected truncation of the text due to exceeding the max character value. To account for this, a condition specific to Google Chrome has been added to the rule utility function pzGenerateTextArea to take into consideration two characters for a line break or a carriage return.

SR-A67518 · Issue 251275

Google Chrome check added for character count

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Unlike Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome considers new line/carriage returns as two characters. This resulted in different character count values on refresh than when entering the text on the text area. This also could cause unexpected truncation of the text due to exceeding the max character value. To account for this, a condition specific to Google Chrome has been added to the rule utility function pzGenerateTextArea to take into consideration two characters for a line break or a carriage return.

SR-A75927 · Issue 252327

OnChange event fires correctly for pyAddress

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Using a pyLocationFieldOptional section that included pyAddress to get the real time address associated with the map would correctly update the address when the map marker was moved, but the OnChange event associated with the text box did not fire. This was due to the change event waiting until focus & blur events are dispatched on the referenced text input field. To correct this, the touch devices check in setAddressProperty function in pzpega_addressmap.js has been removed so that focus is fired and blurred after the change event is triggered. In addressmap.js , the setAddressProperty function will dispatch change after focus & later will dispatch blur.

SR-A66960 · Issue 254536

Page error messages correctly persist with refresh harness

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When a form was submitted with missing fields, the error messages displayed to the user would intermittently disappear after a few seconds. This was caused by the getTargets activity being called after the reloadHarness, and has been resolved with a check for an empty errorFromServer value.

SR-A24208 · Issue 249319

Fixed dropdown filtering logic

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When a grid was configured with source as pagelist and cells with dropdowns as controls in it, attempting to filter the dropdown list displayed the filter window instead of the options in dropdown. This was caused by the filter logic not considering the filter by value setting and using the pyUILabel property by default for showing the unique values in the filter pop-up. To correct this, the system will consider the value of pyShowFilterUIBy while also allowing certain controls to maintain their format.

SR-A66101 · Issue 251380

Fixed dropdown filtering logic

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When a grid was configured with source as pagelist and cells with dropdowns as controls in it, attempting to filter the dropdown list displayed the filter window instead of the options in dropdown. This was caused by the filter logic not considering the filter by value setting and using the pyUILabel property by default for showing the unique values in the filter pop-up. To correct this, the system will consider the value of pyShowFilterUIBy while also allowing certain controls to maintain their format.

SR-A21741 · Issue 249595

Filtering and drill down fixed for encrypted values

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When one of the fields on a drill down report was encrypted, filtering would show the encrypted value but the drill down would not. This was an issue with the encoding attached to the encrypted element not being handled consistently, and has now been fixed.

SR-A81527 · Issue 254655

Unlocked rulesets for UI-Kit-7 and Pega-Desktop

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When using UI tollgate, the message 'Sentence case is not followed' would sometimes appear due to no unlocked rulesets being available in UI-Kit-7 and Pega-Desktop. In order to facilitate the UI issues pass, the rulesets have been made available.

SR-A89212 · Issue 257059

WKWebview updated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

A partially successful workaround was inserted into the previous version to fix an issue with Apple's WKWebview where an iframe on a case screen was preventing the native Sidebar from working. However, some JavaScript confirm functions with property type Data continued to generate occasional errors. WKWebview has now been updated to resolve the issues, the workaround has been removed, and all confirm functions should be working as expected.

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