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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-192075 · Issue 680775

Required field error message shown for Anypicker control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.6

Certain Anypicker controls set to required were not showing the expected error message "Value cannot be blank" in the UI when the field was submitted as blank. This has been corrected.

INC-192812 · Issue 677347

Property mapping with autocomplete control corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.6

Selecting from a list populated by autocomplete did not set the property value on property(ManagerialUserGroupLabel) which was mapped to the autocomplete control. This was traced to modifications made earlier which were intended to improve the handling for populating properties with keyboard controls, and has been resolved by reverting the previous changes. Future work is planned around the original keyboard control issue.

SR-A23106 · Issue 251959

Wait enhanced to maintain case status for multiple children

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

A Parent case that was configured to resume when the sub-case reached a particular status using "Pending-ParentCaseResume" was not working as expected if there were multiple child cases for a single parent. This was due to the Wait shape taking the current status of the activator (first child case resolved) instead of the dependency status for which the wait shape should be looking for (subsequent child case), and has been fixed by establishing a new property on the Activator page to hold the dependency status and rely on this while checking if the activator has crossed the desired status.

SR-A43745 · Issue 249270

Copied ticket shapes properly visible on Work Management

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After correcting a problem with the XML generated by ticket shapes related to work states, attempting to use a copied shape with Tickets resulted in a problem locating new entries in the Work Management Tickets landing page. This was an issue with the ticket details being embedded in the shape pages while the rule references that were created for the tickets in pyModifiers were not updated to match, and has been resolved by adding rule references for the tickets embedded inside the shapes.

SR-A77119 · Issue 255564

Fixed attaching files to pre-existing inflight cases after upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After upgrade, loading pre-existing inflight cases and attaching a file generated the error "Trying to save an invalid page: Trying to save an invalid page: page is not valid". This was caused by a missing check for LinkPage.pyMemo in cases where LinkPage.pyCategory is not set, and has been fixed by setting pyMemo from LinkPage.pyMemo.

SR-A23504 · Issue 251757

Value corrections made to "Timeliness by resolving unit" SLA functions

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After upgrade, reports which relied on the out-of-the-box "Timeliness by resolving unit" function were failing. This was an issue with the Work-Resolve application, which was not correctly carrying values for the three SLA columns "Within Goal", "Past Goal", and "Past Deadline", which has now been fixed.

SR-A86465 · Issue 257770

Updated partial search from the Case Manager portal to return consistent results

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After upgrade, the search functionality was not working as expected. Launching the Case manager portal to search and then open a case worked, but then searching for another case and opening it resulted in the contents of the first search being displayed again. This was traced to inconsistent results when partial search was used from case manager portal,, and has been resolved by showing all the results (top 20) every time partial search is used from case manager portal, irrespective of the ranking ES provides to the search results (i.e., even if the work id is present in the top 20 or not).

SR-A63731 · Issue 251489

FilterHistory WRITE_NONE correctly stops all audits

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Changing the system settings rule "FilterHistory" from WRITE_SOME to WRITE_NONE was still running an audit when the stage changed instead of completely stopping all auditing. This was due to an RUF call to ADDHISTORY without checking the DSS, and a check has been added to fix this.

SR-A77379 · Issue 254823

FilterHistory WRITE_NONE correctly stops all audits

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Changing the system settings rule "FilterHistory" from WRITE_SOME to WRITE_NONE was still running an audit when the stage changed instead of completely stopping all auditing. This was due to an RUF call to ADDHISTORY without checking the DSS, and a check has been added to fix this.

SR-A76390 · Issue 253683

Count corrected for @getMessagesCount

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

Flawed logic in the out-of-the-box activity restoreAssignment exposed a flaw in @getMessagesCount where the API used to copy error messages returned a string which is concatenation of all messages with \n delimiter, resulting in the count always being one. This has been corrected.

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