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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A19551 · Issue 240032

LightweightList disabled for dynamic ObjClass + blob

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

If the ObjClass was a property, UseLightWeightList was checked, and the page property .ActivityStatus (data access = Manual) was put in the query to get the blob, Obj-Browse failed with "The property .ActivityStatus was of mode Page List while Read-Only Virtual List.initialize was expecting String mode". Prior to this fix, useLightWeightList was disabled only when the pxObjClass was constant. Since dynamic ObjClass cannot determine the property mode, LightWeightList will be disabled in this scenario to avoid this error.

SR-A19579 · Issue 236678

JAWS support added to tablist menu

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Screen readers were not reading when focus was on the tablist menu. Aria attributes have been added to correct this.

SR-A19580 · Issue 236677

IAC-NonGateway cookie set by encryption check

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Some site security mandates require all cookies to either have secure and httponly attributes set or be removed. Sites that were not making use of IAC were encountering a non-removable IAC-NonGateway cookie that violated this policy. To resolve this, the system now has a check for an encrypt condition before using setCookie for iac_nongateway, and will only set the cookie when encryption is found.

SR-A19582 · Issue 236679

Unique row IDs created for embedded repeat grid Autocompletes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

pxAutocompletes in a section embedded in a repeat grid did not have unique ID's associated with them, while their labels did. This affected their accessibility. cpega_RLIndex has been added to the autocomplete ID to create the missing row index.

SR-A19599 · Issue 237365

Made getLocalizedValue function call fully qualified

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In environments where there are multiple versions of the function getLocalizedValue (which is true for any environment where the FSIF and KYC frameworks have been installed), pzFetchCaseStatusUpdate fails due to an unqualified function call. This has been corrected by providing the full context including library while calling functions in the property-set method in the mentioned activity.

SR-A19601 · Issue 238255

Workbasket re-visit issue resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

After selecting a workbasket in the MyGroup drop down and launching the pop-up containing the workbasket details, an error in the closing reset function led to an issue where a second workbasket would need to be launched before it was possible to return to the first one again. This has been corrected.

SR-A19652 · Issue 246778

BIX filter failure alert added

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

A warning has been added to issue an alert when filters are not being added while generating a BIX query.

SR-A19659 · Issue 241725

Autocomplete accepts parameters with special characters

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Autocomplete was not populating results when it was configured with a Datapage which accepted parameters and those parameters included colons. The handling for the function,"updateParams" (of pzpega_control_autocompleteag.js) has bene modified to send the parameter in the request body instead of the header.

SR-A19670 · Issue 239624

Error on save resolved for defer load activity with empty params

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When trying to save a section by adding a defer load activity, the error " Problem executing pzAssemblePreprocess for RULE-HTML-SECTION DATA-PORTAL EMPLOYEEONBOARDINGDASHBOARD" appeared if the pyDeferLoadRetrievalActivityParams property was empty. A check has been added to resolve this issue.

SR-A19688 · Issue 238970

Fixed loss of read-only after delegated refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

If two dynamic layouts were configured in a section where the on change property1 in layout1 refreshed the layout2, a read-only declare property in layout2became editable after the refresh. This has been fixed.

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