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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A20974 · Issue 241074

Validation will not set errors for hidden fields

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Autocomplete was generating a hidden input for a property referred to in the Search results configuration and displaying it first when the validation checked the property entry handle, causing an error. Required validation has now been modified to not set errors on hidden fields.

SR-A20982 · Issue 243968

Repeat grid clipboard index fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

On deleting a row from the repeat grid and proceeding, the deleted row was reappearing due to the improper resetting of a clipboard index when a grid has multiple references. The indexing has been fixed.

SR-A21015 · Issue 239858

AddTime calendar logic updated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

An issue was found with the final output of using the AddTime function in a Business Calendar with Australian Time Zone to add the difference between GMT and Australian time. In the internal APIs being used by this function, whenever parameters to addTime() were given in such a way that the time to be subtracted was same as the difference between the time of a given input date, start time of a business day, it was considered that there was nothing to add to input time and hence incorrect result. The logic in the engine API, CalendarUtitlity.addTime() which is used in addTime() function, has been changed to correctly calculate the desired time.

SR-A21017 · Issue 239317

Parameter label mismatch corrected for import

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

During upgrade, activities or functions which had Parameter type 'Double' were automatically converted to String data type upon Import into the target Environment even when the XML indicated DOUBLE. This was an issue with rendering the value in the UI: the pyLabel for double parameter type was "Double" not "DOUBLE" in the Data Transform rule pyLoadDataTypes, which didn't match. The activity has now been updated to use DOUBLE.

SR-A21040 · Issue 243518

Filter icon display corrected for Microsoft Internet Explorer11

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The filter icons were not properly vertically aligned when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. This was due to the parent of the filter icon element not having a height attribute read by this browser, and has been fixed.

SR-A21043 · Issue 241137

Refresh list action retains focus on work area

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When used as used as part of enabling successive rows, the refresh list action was returning focus back to first item rather than holding focus at the working point. This was found to be caused by a ?Select first row on initial load? option when ?Refresh List? is performed, and this code will no longer be called in this scenario.

SR-A21081 · Issue 242397

Strategy rule information added to tracer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

A tracer invoked with SOAP service --> Activity --> Flow --> Interaction rule --> Strategy was only showing the the executed components in its (reversed) execution order and did not show the execution strategy path. This has been fixed.

SR-A21081 · Issue 230410

Strategy rule information added to tracer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

A tracer invoked with SOAP service --> Activity --> Flow --> Interaction rule --> Strategy was only showing the the executed components in its (reversed) execution order and did not show the execution strategy path. This has been fixed.

SR-A21096 · Issue 241281

Clarified dynamic text handling to better support localization

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The use of properties and multiple field values to show dynamic text caused an issue where separate field values (3 fvs) were created for each part of a sentence and the context was not being correctly kept during localization. To resolve this, the system now uses a single field value with parameters.

SR-A21096 · Issue 239803

Clarified dynamic text handling to better support localization

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The use of properties and multiple field values to show dynamic text caused an issue where separate field values (3 fvs) were created for each part of a sentence and the context was not being correctly kept during localization. To resolve this, the system now uses a single field value with parameters.

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