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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A16698 · Issue 232105

Support added for MSSQL datatype MONEY

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

After upgrade, generating report definitions failed if the DB contained tables with columns that used the MSSQL-specific type MONEY, generating the error "No enum const class". Support has now been added for this datatype.

SR-A16736 · Issue 232994

Query table counts updated for IIF file with nulls

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

While importing a jar through Import wizard in Designer Studio for a DB2 database, any Alter queries with SET NOT NULL or SET NULL fired the query 'CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD' to re-organize the altered table. That query generated the error "The number of host variables in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is not equal to the number of values required" due to it not including the table names, and this has been fixed by populating the parameters in the place of '?' when downloading the SQL.

SR-A16804 · Issue 244041

Fixed premature execution of export confirmation in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Clicking on the 'Export to Excel' open/save file popup in Microsoft Internet Explorer before it changed color to signify readiness generated the error "unable to read." This has been corrected so the button will not execute until the data is ready.

SR-A16849 · Issue 232859

Trimmed BIX logging unless debug enabled

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In order to improve performance, the statement "Node level information will not be added to the manifest when getAllProperties is selected in the extract rule form for XML extraction" (previously logged every time the XML output format has Include Manifest and Get All Properties checked) will only be printed in the logs if debug mode is enabled for ExtractImpl .

SR-A16899 · Issue 233288

ID Security enhanced for PostToSocialStream

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

It was possible to to change the actor name with a runactionwrapper call to pzPostToSocialStream. This was a potential security issue where the parameter could be altered to post a message on some other's behalf. Since the actor is always the current operator, the parameter is not needed and a validation has been added in its place to check if the actor is indeed the current user. If this is true the message will be posted, and otherwise the activity will exit.

SR-A16904 · Issue 234334

Wrapper added to expression builder for the jump transition on a step

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

While using expression builder, selecting the option for "Enable conditions after this action" in an activity and submitting the expression did not show the expected result in the When input box. Attempting to use the expression builder again and submitting it then resulted in the screen freezing and requiring a refresh. To resolve this, a "pyStepsTransSection" wrapper section was been added for the "pyStepsTransParamsWhen" when condition.

SR-A16906 · Issue 234460

Certificates package name error resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In ViewCertificates.jsp and InstallCertificates.jsp, a difference in package name syntax caused some versions of Tomcat to indicate a compilation error and the webpage was not shown. This has been fixed.

SR-A16915 · Issue 232937

Browser check added to TextArea for consistent rendering

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When using the Google Chrome browser, an Enter key press / newline was calculated as two characters during rendering but as a single character in the character counter. This would cause the Text Area to behave differently depending on the browser. To avoid rendering issues, a check has been added to compensate for this difference.

SR-A16938 · Issue 232832

Hardcoded DDL date replaced with dynamic string for Postgres compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The PostgreSQL DDL generator for install and upgrade in PRPC 7.1.9 created a PL/pgSQL containing the direct date value "01/01/1990". In some versions of Postgres 9.3, this caused a datestyle mismatch execution error when datestyle was set to "iso, ymd" on the postgresql.conf side. This has been resolved by replacing the hardcoded date value with a to_date function that uses an appropriate format string.

SR-A16942 · Issue 239819

IAC updated to parse all gateway header paths

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

While parsing the PegaRUles-SetGateWayContextURI, a problem was found with the system only considering the last two parts in the base URL multiple context/servlet paths. The system has been updated to parse all paths in gateway header while constructing servlet name.

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