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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A16915 · Issue 232937

Browser check added to TextArea for consistent rendering

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When using the Google Chrome browser, an Enter key press / newline was calculated as two characters during rendering but as a single character in the character counter. This would cause the Text Area to behave differently depending on the browser. To avoid rendering issues, a check has been added to compensate for this difference.

SR-A16938 · Issue 232832

Hardcoded DDL date replaced with dynamic string for Postgres compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The PostgreSQL DDL generator for install and upgrade in PRPC 7.1.9 created a PL/pgSQL containing the direct date value "01/01/1990". In some versions of Postgres 9.3, this caused a datestyle mismatch execution error when datestyle was set to "iso, ymd" on the postgresql.conf side. This has been resolved by replacing the hardcoded date value with a to_date function that uses an appropriate format string.

SR-A16942 · Issue 239819

IAC updated to parse all gateway header paths

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

While parsing the PegaRUles-SetGateWayContextURI, a problem was found with the system only considering the last two parts in the base URL multiple context/servlet paths. The system has been updated to parse all paths in gateway header while constructing servlet name.

SR-A16960 · Issue 233587

Predictive Analytics rulesets excluded from RSA

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The Pega-provided Predictive Analytics rulesets were being incorrectly being checked and flagged by the Rule Security Analyzer. The PAD rulesets have now been properly excluded from the RSA check, and further analysis was done to find and fix other RSA flags that should have been excluded.

SR-A16960 · Issue 233576

Predictive Analytics rulesets excluded from RSA

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The Pega-provided Predictive Analytics rulesets were being incorrectly being checked and flagged by the Rule Security Analyzer. The PAD rulesets have now been properly excluded from the RSA check, and further analysis was done to find and fix other RSA flags that should have been excluded.

SR-A17004 · Issue 239165

Silverlight updated for URL encryption

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

If URL encryption is turned on in an environment where the Silverlight version of the WordMerge feature in use doesn't support encrypted URLs the error "Silverlight Control ERROR in 'GetAbsUriAllCookies': Cannot find absolute server URI when trying to launch word from within their application" was generated. The system has now been updated to detect the use of URL encryption in Silverlight via out-of-the-box JavaScript APIs and the URLs will be accordingly encrypted. The Silverlight Prerequisites installer has also been modified to include the latest certificate.

SR-A17016 · Issue 234926

Repaired multiple-value filters for RD data transform

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When using a report definition in which the filter values were supplied through the data transform rule, a single given value was correctly passed but multiple values were not. This was traced to the encoding of double quotes which were then not replaced in the correct step, and has been fixed.

SR-A17065 · Issue 233138

Support added for custom XSS headers

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

After upgrade, problems were found with setting XSS headers. To resolve this, the new Dynamic System Setting "http/responseHeaders" has been added to support custom HttpResponseHeaders.

SR-A17070 · Issue 239464

Accessibility added for field level validation messages in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Server-side validation error messages were not read aloud in Microsoft Internet Explorer11 when the accessibility user tabbed to the field with the error. The API has been updated to resolve this.

SR-A17159 · Issue 235008

Year range calculation updated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

If a datetime control was configured as a dropdown list for a Date field in a screenflow, selecting a date and clicking "Next", then traversing back to the Date screen changed the year, ex. at run time, Year range is from 2006 to 2026, but became 1996 to 2016 when the focus returned. The current logic of year calculation was based on the year already set, and changes have been made to pzGenerateDatePicker to consider the current year when populating the year dropdown.

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