SR-A16535 · Issue 231740
Null Boolean and datetime properties passed in command line extraction
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
If a Boolean or a datetime Embedded valuelist /valuegroup /pagelist/page group property was in the WO blob but has no value when extracted from the command line using the -B and -J options, the value in the extract was not valid. This was traced to the handling for empty Boolean and datetime properties, and these properties will now be passed without modification when using the command line options -B and -J in XML output format or when running the extract from the UI.
SR-A16543 · Issue 235300
Resolved Interaction Portal unexpected close
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
In Google Chrome, launching a secondary portal and encountering a Content Security Policy issue relating to an image caused the secondary portal to automatically close and the developer portal to be refreshed. This was an issue with a mismatch in the pyrequestor token, and has been corrected.
SR-A16566 · Issue 232088
TrackAction and TrackAchievement no longer require authentication to run
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
When an unauthenticated client called an external service (Service-HTTP, SOAP, etc.) that upon completion uses an activity that uses Requestor-Stop instead of allowing the requestor to time out, an error was generated. This was due to the new rule PXTRACKACTION defaulting to 'Require authentication to run', a conflict when an unauthenticated service invokes this activity. The 'Require authentication to run' setting has been unchecked for the pxTrackAction and pxTrackAchievement activities.
SR-A16582 · Issue 233320
Improved BIX extract handling for multiple active agents
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
When multiple agents were scheduled to run extracts at the same time by utilizing pxExtractDataWithArgs, there was intermittent failure in creating the manifest files. The BIX log would not contain an entry for the files being created, no error was displayed, and agents sometimes needed to be restarted. This was an issue with incomplete extraction of the output data and manifest files due to the PAL timer overriding the current thread context as it handled each of the multiple calls. To resolve this, the previous static variables used to store thread and requester instances have been made private to ensure reliability when handling parallel extracts and simultaneous runs.
SR-A16598 · Issue 233879
Work party change refreshes existing harness
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
If a work party was added to a case and the page was then refreshed at the browser level by hitting F5, a new harness appeared for the case type instead of the existing harness. The action order in the on-change action has been updated to correct this.
SR-A16621 · Issue 233386
Changed image tag to prevent auto-submit of calendar when parameters exceeded
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
When user wanted to select the future date, he navigates by clicking the Year navigation link (arrow link). During this process of selecting a future date in the Year Navigation link, moving beyond the configured Number of years caused the page to be automatically submitted. This was caused by the input tag used for image causing a form submit, and tag has been changed to an anchor to fix this.
SR-A16638 · Issue 233607
Changed edit control to prevent Google Chrome adding zeroes when localizing
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
When using Google Chrome in some locales, zeros were being added to values in the skin and corrupting entered values. This was due to Google Chrome defaulting to localizing input type numbers, which caused dual localization after the control had already localized the value after reload. When input type is text, only the control localization will happen, so a workaround for Google Chrome has been added where the type of control has bene changed to text in the editable mode for the pyItemAlignment section.
SR-A16678 · Issue 234858
Scrollbar retains position after focus change and return
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
In the compliance score landing page, clicking on "All Warning" opens a window with a report of all the guardrail compliance warnings. If that window had a scrollbar, clicking on a rule in the guardrail report to view it in Designer Studio and then returning to the popup was resetting the scrollbar location to the top of the window. This has been fixed to retain the scrollbar position.
SR-A16698 · Issue 232105
Support added for MSSQL datatype MONEY
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
After upgrade, generating report definitions failed if the DB contained tables with columns that used the MSSQL-specific type MONEY, generating the error "No enum const class". Support has now been added for this datatype.
SR-A16736 · Issue 232994
Query table counts updated for IIF file with nulls
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1
While importing a jar through Import wizard in Designer Studio for a DB2 database, any Alter queries with SET NOT NULL or SET NULL fired the query 'CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD' to re-organize the altered table. That query generated the error "The number of host variables in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is not equal to the number of values required" due to it not including the table names, and this has been fixed by populating the parameters in the place of '?' when downloading the SQL.