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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A19297 · Issue 237347

Added ability to set custom HTTP security headers

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

XSS protections were interfering with the ability to set custom HTTP headers. To enable this, the system will use dynamic system settings from http/responseHeaders and add them to every HTTP response.

SR-A19336 · Issue 237165

Fixed always red state for pxDeadlineTime

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

An error in the section Assign-pxDeadlineTime in UI-Kit-7 caused the time to always show up in red when that control was used. The two Date Time properties in the section have custom formatting specified under Advanced Presentation Options in Presentation tab, but this was being masked by the Custom CSS Class specified on the Dynamic Layout presentation. This has been fixed.

SR-A19341 · Issue 242249

Resolved null value entered by tabbing in date field

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Tabbing in and out of a date/time field without entering a value caused an null value to appear when a value was then selected from a calendar and the tab key was hit. This was caused by a 'done' setting not being properly attached to an empty field, and has been fixed.

SR-A19351 · Issue 238052

Caching added to improve login speed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In order to improve login performance, caching has been added for the following classes accessed from the database on every login: DATA-ADMIN-SECURITY-AUTHSERVICE DATA-BROADCAST DATA-ADMIN-SECURITY-KEYSTORE

SR-A19355 · Issue 235876

Landing page Header correctly displays VBD Planner

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The Pega Marketing portal header was overlapped by the VBD Planner header, creating problems accessing the buttons on the portal header. The newly developed VBD Planner client, running as a control, did not take portal layout into consideration, and the header has been adjusted so the portal header is exposed properly.

SR-A19363 · Issue 243522

Edit validate does not clear date field on error

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When submitting a flow action, the edit validate rule fired and caught the error, but then the date field value was unexpectedly cleared. The resetDatetimeHidden API has been modified to resolve this.

SR-A19406 · Issue 236911

Pega0031 debug tool stack trace updated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When an activity was run which performed a show-html/show-stream twice, the first PEGA0031 alert was raised with no stack trace. The second instance of show-html/show-stream would log the PEGA0031 alert along with the stack trace of this interaction, and the first would not be seen. This was caused by the improper clearance of the pxHTMLStream property on the thread page at the end of the HTTP interaction and has been fixed.

SR-A19421 · Issue 237693

Corrected tab group issue when '&' present in tab title

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Depending on the browser, the drop down function to view the list of tabs was performing inconsistently if '&' was present in a tab title. This was an issue with the character not being encoded, and the dynamic container handling has been updated to correctly display the tab with '&' and all tabs behind it.

SR-A19464 · Issue 237977

Improved null value handling for navigation rule

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In cases where no pyValue property was given in the navigation rule, the preactivity of a navigation rule (scenario: item list & action:create work) was always passing the first parameter value to the rest of the parameters. This was due to missing handling for a null value; a check was added, but the handling has been further expanded to reset the string holding the pyvalue of pre activity params.

SR-A19478 · Issue 242241

Fixed truncation in tooltips text

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When the title attribute for an expand/collapse header was specified with apostrophes and single quotes, the text which displayed in the tooltip message was truncated at the punctuation. For all the tooltips that get displayed, if the text contains an apostrophe (e.g. "Today's Work"), the tooltip truncates the text at the apostrophe (e.g. "Today"). This did not occur very often in English, but was a much more obvious problem in other languages. For example, the word for "today" in French is "Aujourd'hui", so on tooltips, this was truncated to "Aujourd". To fix this, code has been added to escape the special characters for the tooltip messages.

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