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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A19495 · Issue 237132

Request Only' I/O timeouts updated for Connect HTTP

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The Request Only checkbox option on Connect HTTP rules is intended to optimize IO latency for fire-and-forget use cases. The code that implements the connector was performing a full request/response HTTP call, even when the Request Only option had been selected. This sometimes caused long IO delays in the connectors. This update leverages the ability of the HTTP client to set a socket read timeout value on the response coming back from the server, which has now been set to 1 millisecond (zero milliseconds is not an option) in the cases when the Request Only feature has been enabled on the connector rule. The HTTP socket connection will time out immediately after the request message has been sent and eliminate any overhead of consuming the HTTP response data. Any connection failures will still be reported as exceptions.

SR-A19503 · Issue 240455

Added configuration field for SOAP response without credentials

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

The system was having difficulty processing a SOAP response if the service did not return an authentication header in the SOAP envelope. This happened when connecting to a SOAP service configured with ws-security username policy which sends only the username but not the password in the SOAP envelope. To correct this, the setting options.setProperty(, "true"); has been added; this option is specific to a connector and is available on the ws-security profile rule form to configure the setting based on the site's SOAP service username policy.

SR-A19512 · Issue 238622

Standardized date time used for memo history compare

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

History compare displayed unexpected results for the pxSaveDateTime for a Rule-Application record when a memo was added and then it was compared to another record in the history log. The comparison logic was not looking at the save time of the memo, but rather the save time of the rule itself, resulting in the mismatch. This has been resolved.

SR-A19539 · Issue 239366

Email listener updates related to DSS settings

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

When sending email with .txt, .png, .docx, or other attachments, the file attachment name was not inlining with other attachment names in the body. This has been fixed. In addition, text attachment names were not listed in the attachments list if DSS was set. The code has now been modified to add the attachment name irrespective of the DSS setting.

SR-A19549 · Issue 237574

Create work passes custom parameters in IAC flow

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In some circumstances, the create work on a button in a UI was not passing flow parameters when the section was launched inside the IAC Gadget. This has been fixed by updating the openSpaceInGadget API to pass custom parameters for the enternewworkfromflow switch clause.

SR-A19551 · Issue 240032

LightweightList disabled for dynamic ObjClass + blob

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

If the ObjClass was a property, UseLightWeightList was checked, and the page property .ActivityStatus (data access = Manual) was put in the query to get the blob, Obj-Browse failed with "The property .ActivityStatus was of mode Page List while Read-Only Virtual List.initialize was expecting String mode". Prior to this fix, useLightWeightList was disabled only when the pxObjClass was constant. Since dynamic ObjClass cannot determine the property mode, LightWeightList will be disabled in this scenario to avoid this error.

SR-A19579 · Issue 236678

JAWS support added to tablist menu

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Screen readers were not reading when focus was on the tablist menu. Aria attributes have been added to correct this.

SR-A19580 · Issue 236677

IAC-NonGateway cookie set by encryption check

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

Some site security mandates require all cookies to either have secure and httponly attributes set or be removed. Sites that were not making use of IAC were encountering a non-removable IAC-NonGateway cookie that violated this policy. To resolve this, the system now has a check for an encrypt condition before using setCookie for iac_nongateway, and will only set the cookie when encryption is found.

SR-A19582 · Issue 236679

Unique row IDs created for embedded repeat grid Autocompletes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

pxAutocompletes in a section embedded in a repeat grid did not have unique ID's associated with them, while their labels did. This affected their accessibility. cpega_RLIndex has been added to the autocomplete ID to create the missing row index.

SR-A19599 · Issue 237365

Made getLocalizedValue function call fully qualified

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.1

In environments where there are multiple versions of the function getLocalizedValue (which is true for any environment where the FSIF and KYC frameworks have been installed), pzFetchCaseStatusUpdate fails due to an unqualified function call. This has been corrected by providing the full context including library while calling functions in the property-set method in the mentioned activity.

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