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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D29114 · Issue 499931

Added handling for bulleted text insert triggering audit

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When a bulleted text (copied from an email or rich text ) was used in the text area property, the audit considered it as a change even when there was no change. This was tracked to the field value 'pyHistoryMemo • ChangeTrack_Add' in @baseclass which is being used to get the localized value for audit memo: the field value accepts only 2 parameters, but the inserted text area input contained the '\t' that is used for parameter translation. To resolve this, the system will call the addMemoForSecurityChangeTracking utility method to replace all \t's present in both the Current Value and Previous value with 'empty' such that no '\t' characters are available in either of the string parameters.

SR-D27687 · Issue 500052

Mashup Export to Excel works on first use

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

If a report was opened from Mashup and exported to Excel, only one record was given regardless of the actual size of the report. If the mashup main page was refreshed, the open and export process worked correctly. This has been corrected by adding a call to pzSetQueryDefaults in pzRDExportWrapper when the requestor is initialized for Mashup.

SR-D26010 · Issue 500164

Modified VBD insertion logic to improve handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

An issue with not being able to launch an additional VDB node was traced to two processes inserting into VBD with different field signatures and triggering unnecessary object creation. This was amplified when adding a second node as the objects were serialized. To resolve this, the insertion logic has been modified to avoid creating new data container/field descriptors after a new field is included, as well as a measurement with smaller data type than previous container.

SR-D26815 · Issue 500190

Updated support for numeric values in text columns during Excel export

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

After creating a report definition that included currency and percentage as a columns, the currency, percentage, and number format were not shown as expected for the locale when the report was exported to Excel. This was an inadvertent side effect of work performed to resolve issues for text columns formatted by non-numeric controls, and has been resolved by moving the support for numeric values in Text columns from ReportUIField to NumericReportUIField.

SR-D28657 · Issue 500584

Corrected Reference value's description in Table

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When a user was given 'property for value' as an ID and 'property for display text' like a name, launching the portal showed the display text correctly until 'refresh' was clicked, at which time the current section showed the property value instead of the property text. Investigation showed that the parameter string split inside the parameterised data page used as a dropdown source failed in the readonly case. This has been corrected.

SR-D7381 · Issue 486564

Purge/archive locking issue corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

Updates have been made to resolve a locking release issue for the pzBatchPurgeArchive activity.

SR-D32086 · Issue 500894

Memory leak repaired

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

A server side memory leak was traced to heap utilization increasing due to a Stream control assembly problem where the CleanForReuse() function was not cleaning up pzAuto. The cleanForReuse method in generated HTML properties is used to either initialize local fields, in which case aContext will be non-null, or to clear the object for pooling, in which case aContext will be null. Because the pzAuto variable was not being properly nullified, pooled controls were retaining stale references to StreamTools, LayoutRuntime, PRThread, and others. This has been resolved by adding code to ensure the pzAuto variable is correctly nullified, and additional work has been done to improve memory management.

SR-D7138 · Issue 494664

Updated taxonomy rule to correct obj-open

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

After using Taxonomy -> Create model -> Apply to Text Analyzer and then using the Training data to add additional messages to the model, an error that Mandatory parameters were missed appeared. This error was traced to a condition where changing the taxonomy rule caused the system to execute an incorrect obj-open. This has been corrected.

SR-D800 · Issue 487305

Mashup error resolved with try/catch block for Microsoft Internet Explorer framelement exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When a portal was launched using mash up, the intent tasks were not launched in Microsoft Internet Explorer when Add tasks button was clicked. This was found to be a site-specific use case only found with Internet Explorer, and has been resolved by adding a try catch block for a window.framelement exception thrown by IE.

SR-D17822 · Issue 490244

LastRecordedTime updated to ensure full audit history

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When running a test flow where a flow action was configured with a pre-processing activity that used a loop to add some audit history entries, some of the audit entries were getting skipped. For example, if the loop should generate 5 entries, only 3 were seen in the history. This was traced to the pxGetCurrentTimeStampThreadUnique() function where the system checks whether the current time is greater than the LastRecordedTime. The comparison handling of LastRecordedTime and gTimeValue have now been updated so LastRecordedTime is set correctly.

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