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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-146921 · Issue 601638

Cross-site scripting update for Dev Studio

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) protections have been added to Developer Studio.

INC-154627 · Issue 619570

Re-enabled users are able to log in

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When disabled operators were re-enabled through operator management, the forced password change on next login was manually unchecked but the operators were unable to login because the change password screen was displayed without any password entry fields. This was a missed use case for handling the change password flag on a requestor , and has been resolved by having the system skip setting the change password on next login flag for disabled users.

INC-140279 · Issue 597756

JMX logging added to upgrade diagnostics

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

In order to improve diagnostic information, infoForced loggers have been added for debugging upgrade issues related to JMX calls to enable and disable rules creation.

INC-144555 · Issue 603071

Changelog cleanup added for de-optimized properties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Unwanted optimization was automatically added to properties for the Application-Work-Casetype class created using the wizard in the App Studio. Attempts to remove the optimization did not work: the property advance tab was showing the optimized classes details even after deleting and recreating the property. When a property is optimized the system adds entries to pr_changelog for the list of classes it has optimized. When the property was deleted, the pr_changelog was not cleared. This was a missed usecase, and has been resolved by overriding the Cleanup activity at Rule-Obj-Property class to delete the pr_changelog entry associated with that if it is present.

INC-144869 · Issue 606617

Improved ScalarPropertiesWriter logging

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

In order to improve diagnostics, debug loggers have been added to to print column name in the logs while creating map between column names and their values from clipboard page.

INC-146595 · Issue 604791

Initialized entryName for light weight inventory instance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When running deployment on a new pipeline created for the next minor version, once the deployment process got to the point of showing aged updates, the “view aged updates” came back as blank screen. Viewing the logs showed the aged update elements come back but were missing the pyName associated with them. Investigation showed that the system did not have support for setting the mEntryName for LightweightInventoryInstance objects. This has been resolved by adding a junit to ensure that getEntryName() doesn't return as null and should be equal to pzInsKey.

INC-148154 · Issue 602922

Hot Fix Manager updated to use installation order for schema import

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Schema changes were not being imported during the hot fix manager DL import process. Investigation showed this was due to hotfixes in the DL being iterated over from newest to oldest, causing older hotfixes to replace the value added to a map by the newer. To resolve this, the system has been updated to use hotfix install order, which considers selected and dependent hotfixes, rather than ordering newest to oldest. This ensures that newer table representations will override older rather than the other way around.

INC-132500 · Issue 602634

Updated class name resolution for runtime with after-screen render load

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Rule Resolution was not working as expected with the dropdown property “.ErrorType”, if the load behavior was configured as “After screen renders”. This was traced to the Class name resolution not happening at runtime, and has been resolved by moving the code related to class names to runtime.

INC-133951 · Issue 584147

Try catch added for templated refresh when

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After configuring a refresh when condition on a dynamic layout triggered by changes on D_worklist.pxResults, a component stack mismatch error was generated if client side UI template is enabled. Without templatization it worked as expected. This has been resolved by adding a try catch block to

INC-136188 · Issue 604864

Icon focus indication made more consistent

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

The focus on some main icons across the header in Designer Studio was inconsistent when tabbing through the header. Some icons showed a dotted border, for others the icon opacity changed on focus, and others had no focus style at all. An update has been made to ensure consistent dotted outlines on all header and footer icons on focus. The dotted outlines have also been added for all tabs on the application landing page for Dev Studio for icons such as the delete/ gear on all Repeating Dynamic Layout rows.

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