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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-173895 · Issue 655914

ZMW added to currency codes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

The Zambian Kwacha, "ZMW", has been added to the currencies code list in ENCurriencies.xml .

INC-174243 · Issue 655885

Links to specifications persist appropriately

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

When linking Rules to Specifications, check-ins of some unrelated rules deleted the link. Investigation showed the deletion happened in the pzHandleLinksPostCheckIn activity, and was caused by an empty parameter page name that caused pcInsKey to not have a value, so all links returned by "Obj-Browse" were later deleted. To resolve this, an update has been made to insure the "Pass current parameter page" option in step 2 of the Connect REST PostCheckIn activity is enabled so that the downstream activity pzHandleLinksPostCheckIn behaves as expected.

INC-174612 · Issue 659251

Queue Processor threads explicitly cleared before new interaction

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Queue Processor was not clearing already evaluated freshness caches before running an activity, potentially causing a stale data page to be processed. This has been resolved by explicitly clearing the thread on a new interaction by invoking ((IPRThread) thread).clearOnNewInteraction.

INC-174694 · Issue 650780

Check added to ensure read locks are released

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Read locks were not being properly released if a thread was holding a read lock and the system encountered an issue such as an out of memory condition. To resolve this, an update has been made to DeclarativePageDefinitionCacheImpl which will check whether a thread holds any read lock before trying to acquire a write lock, and if so release all the read locks held by that thread.

INC-175343 · Issue 655351

Invalid date handling added to Legacy Adapters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Running the Job Scheduler activity failed with the error "not a valid date/time value". Investigation showed this was caused by LegacyPropertyAdapter.isEmpty being returned as true in case of properties having invalid values, and has been resolved by adding handling for an InvalidValueException in LegacyPropertyAdapter and LegacyPageAdapter.

INC-176112 · Issue 656971

When rule inside a loop correctly picked

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

While using a 'when' rule inside a loop of a page list, the rule was not being picked during runtime. This has been resolved by adding an update to allow an assembly time class name to be passed into runtime.

INC-176903 · Issue 664988

Ready to process records count correctly displayed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

After update, the QP's ready to process records count was always shown as zero in the Admin studio QP landing page. This was traced to a missing sListMaxResultCount property in the SQL query for qp-partition retrieval; this has been added, and the default value has been changed from 0 to -1 for proper interpretation of results.

INC-177773 · Issue 665336

Tracer protections updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for Tracer.

INC-177993 · Issue 657199

Archival IndexManagerService performance improved for very large tables

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Archival IndexManagerService was taking an excessive amount of time to run updateStatusForCasesWithInconsistentArchiveStatus(), a method which checks the parent case's archival status and compares it to all its children (cases & dependencies) statuses and flags parent cases with statuses that do not match. This check is done on all parent case instances that are in the indexer stage, and intermittently timed out and failed on a pr_metadata table containing over 5,000,000 records. This has been resolved by splitting the inconsistent check into smaller tasks and addressing potential parent/child/dependency relationships that can occur in the pr_metadata table.

INC-178148 · Issue 660926

Handling added for SSO servlet name

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

After update, logging into an external site was not working correctly due to the SSO URL being appended with "/app/default". This has been resolved by updating the code to handle the servlet name properly.

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