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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A10162 · Issue 220915

Data-Admin-Security-Keystore caching added

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

Previously, the query to pr_data_admin would retrieve and read DATA-ADMIN-SECURITY-KEYSTORE on each connect-soap call. In order to improve scalability and performance, the data instances of type keystore will be cached as part of the rule instance cache.

SR-A7518 · Issue 219402

EJB Connector wizard fetches fully qualified class names for compile

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When using a JNDI Server referencing remote EJBs, configuring Connect EJB through the wizard resulted in compilation errors. This was due to incorrect wrapper class generation, and the generation has been updated to use fully qualified class names.

SR-A5714 · Issue 213993

Connect-SOAP SSL configuration merge corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

An error in the merge function caused an issue with configuring SSL certificates at the connector level if the keystore and truststore were configured in the connector. This has been corrected.

SR-A12614 · Issue 224476

Added JDBC connectivity handling to MQ listener

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

The MQ listener was going inactive and throwing the error 'Timed out borrowing service requestor from requestor pool for service package?, leading to the indication that all the requestors in the pool were active and no free requestor was available. This was traced to incorrect recovery from a JDBC connectivity issue to the database: the requestor pool would lose the requestor and cause inconsistent pool size. In order to resolve this, handling has been added to ensure the requestor pool and requestor state are consistent irrespective of any JDBC connection issue.

SR-A11696 · Issue 224612

Namespaces considered while constructing WSDL type maps

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

Previous versions that had repeating complex elements used as references ended up with "type2" appended to those elements when the WSDL was generated after upgrade. This format was put in place to avoid namespace collisions when duplicate names are used for the same complex types in a schema with different targetnamespace. However, even though the WSDL was semantically correct, it caused backward compatibility when generating stubs out of WSDL and created the need to regenerate the stubs. To resolve this, changes have been made to XMLTreeViewUtils.addDocElementDeclaration() to consider namespaces while constructing the type definition map.

SR-A13436 · Issue 225301

Security update for Apache commons-collection

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

The Apache commons-collections library has been updated to v3.2.2 to close a vulnerability that permitted code execution when deserializing objects involving a specially constructed chain of classes.

SR-A7804 · Issue 218676

Rest inbound call mapping updated to determine response type

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When Rest service was built in the Pega application and exposed to external applications (non-Pega), the JSON request payload was not mapped to the clipboard during the input data mapping if the setting "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" was used, but did work as expected when the client calling the service used "Content-Type: application/json" and did not set charset. This error was linked to a space character missing between the given Content-Type value and charset parameter, and has been updated to avoid this issue in the future by setting the extract content-type value and excluding the charset parameter value, then determining whether the response is of text type.

SR-A9518 · Issue 220076

Rule-Utility-Function updated to handle name mismatch between versions

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

After creating a MapTo library and function activity that was called via a File Service, the Simulation results returned an error that the function rule could not be found. This was caused by changes made to the TestFunction activity: in earlier versions with one String as a parameter it was named "TestFunction" and passed to the library APIs which invoked this function via reflection, but more recent versions generate the library name as "TestFunction--(String)". The name mismatch fails with a "no such method" exception. To support backward compatibility, updates have been made to getMapToUtlityMethod().

SR-A12649 · Issue 226090

Improved recovery for HTMLtoPDF font issues

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When running under Linux/Unix, problems with setting up the fonts directory in the HTMLtoPDF API resulted in the StepStatusFail 'when' rule being TRUE and tracer always displaying a FAIL step even if the resultant PDF was created. This meant it was not possible to test whether the call to the activity was successful or not. This API has been updated for better recovery in this scenario.

SR-A13285 · Issue 226411

Corrected wait interval = 0 in JMS Listener

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

As per documentation, setting JMS Listener to zero wait should indicate that the listener will not sleep and will actively pull messages. However, an error prevented zero from being accepted as a valid input for the timeout interval. This has been corrected.

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