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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-C43905 · Issue 387467

Locale will be considered while validating imported decimals for the clipboard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

When using a specific locale and importing decimal value in a format specific to that locale, the import wizard was throwing a bad decimal value error If 'skip validation' was unchecked during import. To resolve this, the locale will be considered in parsing the decimal value while populating the clipboard page prior to dictionary validation.

SR-C44194 · Issue 383066

Cursor pointer corrected for non-interactive grid cells

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

When the mouse cursor was placed over any cell in a grid, the mouse changed to a pointer indicating an activity even when there was no activity to perform. This was an error introduced when the grid CSS was refactored and optimized: the hand cursor should only be used for interactive elements and causes confusion when displayed on a static table. The behavior has now been reset and will correctly detect whether actions are configured and display the proper cursor.

SR-C44375 · Issue 387180

Check added for multiselect object type when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Using the multi select control worked fine in Google Chrome but was throwing JS errors when used in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and causing the whole flow action to hang. Object.keys on a non-object throws error as per ES5, but on ES6 a non-object argument will be coerced to an object. This error was seen because the older version of Microsoft Internet Explorer still uses ES5. To better handle this, the system will check for the object type before using object.keys in pzpega_control_multiselect.js.

SR-C44548 · Issue 384154

Interaction ID retains decimal integrity for external SOAP XML

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Parse XML was incorrectly mapping numeric value to decimal property when the SOAP request was called from outside Pega. The SOAP XML contains a Pega DSM interaction ID, which is a long numeric value. During the handling the interaction ID is mapped to a decimal property, but the number lost precision and became incorrect. To correct this, the mapping has been made more precise so the integrity of the ID number is maintained.

SR-C44701 · Issue 389484

The flag internNsUris set to 1 to handle 3rd party XML parser cache access

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Heavy thread contention was seen over an internal cache when using a third party stax XML parser. Because the parser interns namespace strings, which is a synchronized cache, quite a few threads were spending a significant amount of their time blocked. The flag internNsUris comes from a “config” object, and the config flag will be set to 1 to resolve the issue.

SR-C44707 · Issue 384115

Leading/Trailing 0s retained in Export to Excel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Leading/trailing 0s were lost from text after export to Excel. This was traced to ReportUIField.getReturnObject treating the text type as number type if and only if the text property holds numeric content. To correct this, ReportUIField.getReturnObject has been modified to set the datatype to String if its a text type.

SR-C44806 · Issue 385906

pxLOADPortNames properly passes ServiceQName

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Changing the value of service name in create SOAP integration wizard was not returning list of operations. Analysis showed that in pxLOADPortNames activity(step3), the current ServiceQName was not passed to the wsdlParser object, resulting in a null pointer exception. Code has now been added to ensure ServiceQname is set as the current service in pxLoadPortNames activity.

SR-C45058 · Issue 385602

Added menu scripts to ensure Operator menu shown when PortalHeader is saved to the application ruleset

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

The Operator menu was not working, after saving pyPortalHeader to application ruleset. The following error is observed in the console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'showContextMenu' of undefined". This was traced to the menu files not being downloaded because of a generation issue that occurred when only one control (non auto control) was used with menu actions inside a dynamic layout. When a autogenerated control was used like a button, it worked. This has been fixed by adding menu scripts for use when pyactions has a showmenu.

SR-C45147 · Issue 388413

SOAP service encryption error fixed for Java 8

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

The error "Unable to initialize XML Cipher" appeared in the PegaRULES log when using Java 8 and trying to invoke Pega SOAP service from the SOAP UI with "Enable ws security" checked. To fix this, the webservices-rt-pega1.jar has been updated to use an overloaded constructor of XMLCipher that takes canonicalizer as the second argument.

SR-C45226 · Issue 387649

ZipFileListOnServer activity modified to only create instances for zip files

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

When the Hotfix Manager was run on the ServiceExport directory, the Next and Cancel buttons did not render. Analysis showed the system was creating the PRFile instance for all of the files from the directory, and an exception was being thrown when am instance was created for a file that had illegal characters in its name. To correct this, the pzZipFileListOnServer activity has been modified to only create the instances for files which start with "dl-" and end with ".zip".

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