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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A734 · Issue 205406

Added null clipboard check for Recently Resolved report

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

While running the Recently resolved report, a null ContentPage caused an NPE and prevented the output of the report. This has been resolved by adding a null check for the clipboard page.

SR-A4056 · Issue 211550

Corrected validation error for Extract rule field length

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

A validation error noting that the field length of the table was limited to 30 characters was occurring when trying to check in an Extract rule even if the field value had been shortened. While checking in the extract rule, a block of code in the Rule-Utility-Function validateTreeProperties was recomputing the pagelist's table name instead of using the one provided by the user. The Rule-Utility-Function validateTreeProperties function has been modified to fix the issue.

SR-A1190 · Issue 205299

Corrected highlight alignment for Alt+ Key button selection

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

If a button is clicked using hot keys (Alt + Key), a blue line is wrapped around the button to highlight its selection. However this blue line was expanded below the button and misaligned. This was caused by a margin-left of 0.3 mm on access key styles which has now been removed.

SR-A1604 · Issue 206062

Other Actions submit API updated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When using the out-of-the-box Other Actions button, selecting 'Refresh' caused a blank page to display and resulted in an 'ERR_CONNECTION_RESET' script error. This happened when a form submit URL including all input parameters exceeded the max length expected. The API used for the submit function has been updated as of this release along with the Ajax engine call, and the problem is no longer seen.

SR-A1616 · Issue 205609

Fixed section refresh issue in Google Chrome

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When using the Google Chrome browser, a section that was included inside a repeating dynamic layout and configured to refresh based on the value of a radio button control which itself was included in another section and configured to post its value on change was refreshed as expected in dev portal but not in IAC. This was due to changes in the value list not populating properly in Google Chrome on IA, and the logic for parsing change tracker div has been modified to correct this.

SR-A1647 · Issue 205606

Removed duplicate special character encoding on FieldValue validation

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

A recent change was made to the "Validate" activity of the Rule-Obj-FieldValue class to improve security by performing a filterRichText (intended to remove unsafe tags like script tag). However, this broke a reported use case where field values used as the source for the controls dropdown, checkbox, or radio buttons displayed the encoded values of quotes due to double encoding. To fix this, the filterRichText step has been removed from Rule-Obj-FieldValue!validate activity.

SR-A168 · Issue 203378

Enhancements added to ensure visible 'when' after upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

After migration using systems upgraded in place, all pre-existing Default controls no longer showed the "Required" option in the cell properties, and the validation no longer functioned correctly (the form submitted successfully with previously required fields empty). The root cause was that pyAutoHTML was not set in XML, so the Visibility condition expression evaluated to false. This has been resolved by adding a check for empty visible-when conditions and by inserting pzNonAutoHTML, a newly created when rule which checks for empty or false values of pyAutoHTML for required checkbox visibility.

SR-A1732 · Issue 206294

Corrected mixed character autocomplete for JSON data

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

Autocomplete was not populating values If a field used a mix of alphanumeric and special characters. This was an issue caused by exceptions generated when the field "PlantName" contained new line characters in the response JSON. To fix the issue, new line characters are converted as
before parsing the results.

SR-A1732 · Issue 206388

Corrected mixed character autocomplete for JSON data

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

Autocomplete was not populating values If a field used a mix of alphanumeric and special characters. This was an issue caused by exceptions generated when the field "PlantName" contained new line characters in the response JSON. To fix the issue, new line characters are converted as
before parsing the results.

SR-A1848 · Issue 206991

Added handling to retain checkbox value on harness reload

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

Clicking on 'Save Draft' was causing a checkbox in the work object screen which was checked (i.e. value is true) and disabled to have its value removed. This was traced to logic for disabled checkboxes that did not submit the corresponding hidden value if the reload harness ajax was missing. Checkbox value handling has been added to the form submit to resolve this.

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