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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D95367 · Issue 560739

Expanded debug logging for exception blocks

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

In order to enhance debugging, logging has been expanded to capture more detail on exception blocks.

SR-D95410 · Issue 556323

CSS added for currency display place holder when empty

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

After update, currency cell properties displayed a blank space instead of the previous "--" if the value was empty. This was traced to templating and markup changes that resulted in styles related to adding hyphens not getting applied to the inner span, and has been resolved by adding the necessary CSS.

SR-D96224 · Issue 556780

Validation error messages correctly cleared

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

The error message on a checkbox field, radio button, or text area with a on-change post value was persisting even after the correct input was provided. This occurred when the area had a caption, and was due to an additional wrapper span that caused the error div to be the span's sibling instead of the span itself. In the post value success, the system checked whether the error div was present in the area's parent, i.e. span, and when no div was returned the error msg was not removed. It was possible to add an action 'Refresh this section' on change as a workaround, but this has been corrected by updating the system so that Instead of checking the error div in src.parentNode, it will access the correct parentNode using 'closest' and check for the error div.

SR-117083 · Issue 176581

Added sorting and filtering to work item AssignedTo and Status fields

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

An enhancement has been added to allow for filtering and sorting the list of assignments at the bottom of a work item by the 'Assigned To' and 'Status' fields.

SR-128383 · Issue 193256

Child class assignments carried for bulk processing

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

While processing the assignments from the Bulk Actions, the class of the parent work object was applied to child class assignments. This generated a 'Flow Action not found' error. This has been corrected so when the flow action sets a property value, it is setting the value at pyWorkPage instead of the page list item while processing the Child class assignments.

SR-130216 · Issue 202688

AssignActions modified to correctly ResumeFlow from sub-user

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

If two flow actions were defined on a particular assignment in a flow that used WHEN rules to affect visibility in a sub-user's workflow, ResumeFlow was not correctly picking up the flow after the sub-user performed an action and closed the workflow. This was caused by the AssignActions state persisting instead of repopulating and continuing the flow, and the RUF 'FindAssignment2' has been modified to handle this correctly.

SR-132494 · Issue 201073

Exposed 'style' parameters for Workbasket and Operator dropdowns

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

The ShowAllOperators and WorkBasketGadget out-of-the-box controls defaulted to in-line styles even when alternate styles were provided. To correct this, 'style' is now an exposed parameter for both Workbasket and Operator dropdowns.

SR-132896 · Issue 202844

Added handling for customized flows using "different work item" subprocess

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

After upgrade, customized flows using the "different work item" choice on the subprocess for calling work flow from embedded data page work objects generated the error "'On Another Work Item' was specified yet the same object was supplied." This was traced to a missing pzInsKey for this use case, and the LaunchFlow RUF has been updated to handle this customization.

SR-133048 · Issue 202946

Enhancement added to filter list of bulk processing operators

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When opening Case Manger portal > Open bulk Actions, selecting the Filter condition as 'Assigned To Operator' showed all operators in the autocomplete list. An enhancement has been added to create the extension activity 'pyGetListOfOperators' for RD which can be updated as per the user requirement to filter the list of operators to be shown in the Bulk Processing Search.

SR-133048 · Issue 202342

Enhancement added to filter list of bulk processing operators

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When opening Case Manger portal > Open bulk Actions, selecting the Filter condition as 'Assigned To Operator' showed all operators in the autocomplete list. An enhancement has been added to create the extension activity 'pyGetListOfOperators' for RD which can be updated as per the user requirement to filter the list of operators to be shown in the Bulk Processing Search.

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