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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-158720 · Issue 633990

Handling added for obfuscation stale requestor error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When an environment was configured with URL encryption (initialization/UREncryption) set to true and the Authentication Service OPENID had a POST authentication activity which set pyAuthenticationPolicyResult to false, a blue screen error was seen with the exception "Obfuscation cannot be performed with a null or blank key". This was traced to the system trying to fetch the secureFeaturesForURLTampering property from staleRequestorrequestor object when the object had already been destroyed. This has been resolved by adding additional handling for the staleRequestorError.

INC-161260 · Issue 634050

Enhanced logging for CBAC policies

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Additional logs have been added to assist in easier debugging of any configuration issues with CBAC policies.

INC-163226 · Issue 632964

Alert resolved for query parameter in non-standard format

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

A failure status occurred during refresh of an optimized grid section. Investigation showed this was caused by a parameterized datapage being used as a source for a section that passed a query parameter in a non-standard format. There was no functional impact, and the alert has been resolved by setting the system to call StreamParameter extraction only if the rejectTamperedRequests DSS is explicitly set to true.

INC-169186 · Issue 655539

Disconnect button availability extended

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

A case was not refreshing when the disconnect button was selected while using the standard section for authorization grant type authentication. This was traced to a query executed to find a div with attribute pzInsHandle, but that attribute was not applicable in the user portal. To support this use, the query has been extended to be applicable for user portal (attribute data-ui-meta) and Dev Studio landing page.

INC-170423 · Issue 648982

Added catch for SAML WebSSO duplicate key exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

After logging in from SSO, closing the Pega window and opening it again resulted in the error "Unable to process the SAML WebSSO request : Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key in object." This has been resolved by updating the session index handling and adding a catch for the duplicate key exception.

INC-171838 · Issue 651438

Added mail/telephone link to allowed CSP child frame

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

After upgrade from v8.3 to v8.5, clicking on the mail / telephone link in the out of the box case participants gadget generated the Content Security Policy error "This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue." Examination of the browser dev-tools console indicated the object refused to frame because it violated the Content Security Policy directive: "frame-src *". This behavior was specific to the Google Chrome browser, and has been resolved by adding code so the mailto: and tel: will be added to the frame-src when Data is selected under Child Frame-Source option. Unchecking the Data checkbox for Child Frame-Source on the policy landing page will remove these from allowed actions under CSP.

INC-171875 · Issue 653894

Skip restored for browser request CSRF token

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Many SECU0008 alerts were seen in the production logs. This was the result of a CSRF token check on requests without pyActivity or pyStream, and has been resolved by restoring a conditional skip of the check as those other browser requests do not contain a CSRF token.

INC-153138 · Issue 625567

Database primary keys generated as NONCLUSTERED for imports

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When a primary key was defined for a table and the table was exported and then imported, the primary key was generated as CLUSTERED. This resulted in an MS SQL Cluster Index violation because all Pega-shipped tables generated during installs/upgrades have a PK constraint index with NONCLUSTERED index type as it allows for a longer key. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by updating the system such that when importing with MS SQL database, the primary key index is made NONCLUSTERED all the time so it will be consistent with the base platform.

INC-154042 · Issue 621259

Pega Catalog custom upload control modified

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Attempting to upload a file caused the system to hang and thread dumps were seen in the logs. Investigation traced the issue to the custom control used to upload the catalog, which was posting the entire content in form data rather than sending a multi-part request. The control contained both legacy code which used form.submit() and encoding along with new code that used SafeURL and sent an async request. With this, encoding could not be set to multi-part in case of an AJAX request. To resolve this, the catalog upload control has been modified to use the appropriate legacy code that performs form.submit() and sets the encoding properly.

INC-157196 · Issue 629296

Deprecated service package features now require authentication

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Authentication has been added to deprecated features of the standard service package to improve security. If issues are encountered during product migration, please use the Deployment Manager.

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