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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-123533 · Issue 187272

Corrected calculation of WO SLA Goal,Deadline based on calendar input

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The calculation of Goal,Deadline for WO SLA was not showing the expected results based on business days in the calendar. This was caused by not passing the appropriate parameter (CalendarName) to Work-.DefineSLATimesFromNewProperties so that BusinessCalendar.addTime function could evaluate the SLA based on the calendars, and has been fixed.

SR-123581 · Issue 188015

Scrolling corrected for Safari on mobile devices

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the global search on a tablet or mobile device, the results are displayed in a modal pop up in the browser. However, scrolling was not working when using Safari on a mobile device. To correct this, the Search Panel CSS and js were modified to enable scroll support on mobile devices.

SR-123595 · Issue 184394

Resolved issue with extraneous leading "." in attached properties

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When attaching a file, there were two extra (duplicate) properties created in the Link-Attachment page: .pxCreateDateTime and .pyCategory, each with a dot in front of the name. This caused an error when attempting to modify or copy the page: "The reference .pxCreateDateTime is not valid. Reason: invalid property name: '.pxCreateDateTime'". This was found to be an issue where 'pxCreateDateTime' and 'pyCategory' were being corrupted when set using the put() API. To correct this, the code has been changed to use the PutString() API instead of Put() in the java for the pyCategory property.

SR-123595 · Issue 184318

Resolved issue with extraneous leading "." in attached properties

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When attaching a file, there were two extra (duplicate) properties created in the Link-Attachment page: .pxCreateDateTime and .pyCategory, each with a dot in front of the name. This caused an error when attempting to modify or copy the page: "The reference .pxCreateDateTime is not valid. Reason: invalid property name: '.pxCreateDateTime'". This was found to be an issue where 'pxCreateDateTime' and 'pyCategory' were being corrupted when set using the put() API. To correct this, the code has been changed to use the PutString() API instead of Put() in the java for the pyCategory property.

SR-123608 · Issue 186749

Local action launch corrected for CPMFS frameworks

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

An issue in CPMFS framework generated the error "Local actions are available only when you are performing the assignment" on selecting any local action from the Perform harness. ActionAreaContent adds a parameter' actionsection' using '; //--> . When the above section is included in pyCaseActionAreaTabbedScreenFlow, that param was being populated, but not in case of CaseActionArea. This was due to local actions being available only when performing the assignment. A check has been added for the presence of actionSection in processActionDefault, and checks whether it's empty or not.

SR-123609 · Issue 184384

Added timeout for SendEmailMessage and SendEmail RUFs

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A problem was noted with case auto-creation from email occasionally stopping. This was due to the out-of-the-box sendemailmessage function not having any mechanism to stop the requestor from waiting after certain period of time, meaning if the email server was down at that point of time the PRPC requestor kept on waiting forever for the connection. To resolve this, a default timeout of 60000 ms (1 minute) has been added to the SendEmailMessage and SendEmail RUFs. The error "The Connection to be outbound email server timed out. The Server may be unavailable, or the connection configuration may be incorrect. Verify Username, Password and SSL options" will appear. This timeout value can be overridden by creating a Dynamic System Setting with name "email/timeout" in "Pega-IntSvcs" ruleset to set the desired value.

SR-123609 · Issue 190249

Added timeout for SendEmailMessage and SendEmail RUFs

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A problem was noted with case auto-creation from email occasionally stopping. This was due to the out-of-the-box sendemailmessage function not having any mechanism to stop the requestor from waiting after certain period of time, meaning if the email server was down at that point of time the PRPC requestor kept on waiting forever for the connection. To resolve this, a default timeout of 60000 ms (1 minute) has been added to the SendEmailMessage and SendEmail RUFs. The error "The Connection to be outbound email server timed out. The Server may be unavailable, or the connection configuration may be incorrect. Verify Username, Password and SSL options" will appear. This timeout value can be overridden by creating a Dynamic System Setting with name "email/timeout" in "Pega-IntSvcs" ruleset to set the desired value.

SR-123615 · Issue 183551

DateTime localization enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Previously, language packs were literally translating items like datetime format without regard to the proper grammar of that language. For example, the date time format "4 days ago" came up as an "4 Tage vor" in German, which is not correct usage. A localized parameter-based API with 54 different field values has been added to the pxFormatDateTime RUF to allow field values with arguments so the proper localization text can be displayed.

SR-123615 · Issue 183745

DateTime localization enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Previously, language packs were literally translating items like datetime format without regard to the proper grammar of that language. For example, the date time format "4 days ago" came up as an "4 Tage vor" in German, which is not correct usage. A localized parameter-based API with 54 different field values has been added to the pxFormatDateTime RUF to allow field values with arguments so the proper localization text can be displayed.

SR-123617 · Issue 183668

Corrected label issue for language pack

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When a language pack was imported, the labels on the expand and collapse pane were appended with translated values instead of being replaced. This was caused by the presence of an extra space at the end of the string "Click to expand " and "Click to collapse " in workformstandard that caused a JS mis-match, and has been corrected.

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