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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-127884 · Issue 195662

Conditional visibility updated for two-column dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using a Two-Column Layout inside a section where each column has a Dynamic Layout with a single label in it, the left column was also hidden if the right column had visibility set to Never. To correct this, CSS selectors have been added to maintain the visibility of the left sidebar column when the main column is empty or missing and the left column is not marked as hidden.

SR-127915 · Issue 198737

Added handling for client-side encrypted data being passed to server encryption

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A Rule Not Found exception was being generated when using urlencryption and SubmitObfuscatedURL. This was an issue where the system was not prepared to handle URL encryption encoding/decoding that had already been performed on the client side instead of the server side. The Control Generation Logic of pzActionOpenURLInWindow has been updated to handle this scenario.

SR-127922 · Issue 196912

Fixed child validation in repeating tree grid

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The required validation was not firing in a repeating tree grid for a child item but was working for the parent Item. This was a problem with the Clientvalidation parameter not being set when the child nodes were expanded, and the proper parameters are now being sent for client validation.

SR-127923 · Issue 193684

Localization updated in Developer environment to correctly translate labels if dot or @ is enclosed in double quotes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

In the Developer environment, the translation/localization wizard was not generating the corresponding field values for labels with text ending with '.'. This was an issue where the function "pzGenerateLabelCellContent" that validated the label text would not process the field if it contained text with a dot (.) or an @ symbol. The system has been updated to perform the localization if those special characters are enclosed in double quotes, and this format should be followed to ensure proper handling.

SR-127932 · Issue 194420

Paragraph rules library modified for JSP tags

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A paragraph Rule created with some 'when' conditions and property references showed random contents updates after saving and check-in using the source button. This was traced to the use of a newer library for Paragraph rules that was not able to handle Pega JSP tags like "pega:when" or "pega:foreach", causing ckeditor to remove the content. This has been addressed.

SR-127961 · Issue 192637

Corrected reference name for doc attached to work object by CreateMergedWordDoc

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the CreateMergedWordDoc flow action to create a document and attach it to the Work Object, the display showed the label used in "pyNote" as the document name. However, opening the document opens it under the category name. This was caused by a mismatch in the handling and has been corrected.

SR-128008 · Issue 188288

Removed unnecessary server-side call to Mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

A performance issue in the developer environment related to saving and updating rules or doing rule creation or check-in has been corrected by removing the unneeded call to pzIsMobileDevice activity on load of Live UI.

SR-128024 · Issue 194819

Ensured compliance for localization checkbox on RadioButtons control label

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

In RadioButtons control, it was seen that a label was localized without regard to the status of the localization checkbox checked at the section level. This has been fixed.

SR-128081 · Issue 193016

Session Timer / Log Off corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

After upgrade, the Session Timer control was not working correctly when created as a script in the section and then embedded in a portal harness. In ML7, the usage of window.showModalDialog was altered because Google Chrome and Firefox no longer support it. This included modifying the desktop app TimeoutLogoffDialog to use a modal dialog, but a syntax error was introduced in oSafeURL; correcting this resolved the display issue with the timeout dialog. In addition, the LogOffTimer has been modified to use the updated windows.close() function and pxSessionTimer has been marked as available.

SR-128095 · Issue 196390

Resolved modal window resize issue

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using a grid which launched a modal dialog, selecting a value from a drop down or entering values in a text fields caused the modal dialog height to be increased with each interaction. This was due to an Improper height calculation in the JavaScript, and has been corrected.

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