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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-209158 · Issue 722412

Loop handling updated for Decision Table OR conditions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The system was crashing when saving or checking in a decision table with 21 columns and 20 rows where each cell contained 1, 2, or 3 OR conditions. Investigation showed this was caused by an indefinite number of loops when 'or' conditions were used in the test consistency activity, and this has been resolved with an update which ensures only the specified number of loops are performed.

INC-211248 · Issue 713158

Survey navigation type set for use with complex CB refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

After upgrade from Pega 7.1 to Pega 8.5, creating a legacy survey used in pxSurveySection with a complex CB question page that contained a refresh option had collapsed tree navigation, the survey name was blank, and duplicate labels were found in picklist questions. To resolve this, an update has been added which will set the navigation type in parameters after a complex CB refresh and skip page copy while upgrading survey work objects.

INC-213918 · Issue 714454

Discard button works consistently

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

After check out, the discard button was not working consistently for decision tables or MapValue. Investigation showed this occurred when an exported file was being downloaded in the same window, as the thread would be busy with the file and not able to perform the discard action on the window. To resolve this, the configuration for the download on the same window has been removed, exportToDecisionTable has been modified to handle an iframe, and a runScript action has been added to register the exportToExcel activity and download in iframe.

INC-215785 · Issue 722553

Corrected logic for parsing imported Excel formula cells

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Integers specified as cells with formulas in Excel were getting an additional ".0" in them due to them being parsed internally as doubles during the floating point arithmetic of the Apache POI library. This has been resolved by modifying the logic in to apply DataFormatter to get the string value instead of an integer by default for a formula cell.

INC-216935 · Issue 714049

Corrected decision table scroll bar display in resized section

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Resizing a decision table window was causing the horizontal scroll bar to move out of the section while scrolling. This has been resolved by updating the HTML and adding the needed CSS.

INC-220385 · Issue 720010

Corrected Branch Code Score / Unit Test Rule count issue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When reviewing branch quality, the "Rules with Test Cases" indicated 5 out of 7 rules were covered, but no rules were listed in the "rules without unit tests" tab and all rules within the branch had unit tests where applicable. Investigation showed the filter for withdrawn rules was not working correctly and they were shown as not having test cases. In addition, when a test case was in a branch but its tested rule was not in the branch, the test pass percentage calculation was being skipped and displayed as 0%. These issues have been corrected.

INC-220770 · Issue 718027

Null check added to getBaseRef

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When using a customized Cosmos portal that included tabs, some of the Pega APIs were not available in the child frame and javascript errors were generated when calculating the clipboard path for live UI elements. This was traced to invalid references to "pega.api.ui.util.getBaseRef", and has been resolved by adding null checks to the getBaseRef API call to make sure javascript errors are not thrown.

INC-191412 · Issue 692674

Large Data page join condition available for Mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Support for a join condition has been added to the Large Data page for use in Mobile to match the use available on desktop.

INC-198193 · Issue 723624

Error correctly shows for each attempt to upload an oversize file

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The error message indicating an uploaded file exceeded the permitted file size was only shown on the first try on Android. Subsequent attempts to upload the same oversize file did not generate any error. This was due to a persisting value, and has been resolved by explicitly clearing the input value for the mobile browser upload.

INC-205683 · Issue 702561

Data transform actions supported in offline app

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Support has been added for pre- and post-processing data transform functionality and validation in the local actions of the offline app.

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