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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-117393 · Issue 171186

Accessibility expanded to cover out-of-the-box controls and dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Previously, out-of-the-box controls like DropDown, DateTime, and Icon were not marked as accessible. These controls have been updated to be included in the accessibility framework. In addition, the accessibility report was erroneously flagging dynamic layouts as not accessible: properties that only freeform layouts use, which would be legitimate reasons for flagging accessibility issues, are flagged for dynamic layouts if they happen to be present. This has been corrected.

SR-117836 · Issue 171042

Accessibility expanded to cover out-of-the-box controls and dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Previously, out-of-the-box controls like DropDown, DateTime, and Icon were not marked as accessible. These controls have been updated to be included in the accessibility framework. In addition, the accessibility report was erroneously flagging dynamic layouts as not accessible: properties that only freeform layouts use, which would be legitimate reasons for flagging accessibility issues, are flagged for dynamic layouts if they happen to be present. This has been corrected.

SR-117421 · Issue 168940

Corrected handling of double quotes in work objects

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

If the subject (.pyLabel) property in a work object contained a double quote character at the end of the text string, the error "Null Pointer Exceptions in SafeURL" would occur in the Case Manager portal. This was caused by a double-call to the escape encoding for these characters, and has been corrected to encode them properly.

SR-117421 · Issue 168331

Corrected handling of double quotes in work objects

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

If the subject (.pyLabel) property in a work object contained a double quote character at the end of the text string, the error "Null Pointer Exceptions in SafeURL" would occur in the Case Manager portal. This was caused by a double-call to the escape encoding for these characters, and has been corrected to encode them properly.

SR-117421 · Issue 137938

Corrected handling of double quotes in work objects

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

If the subject (.pyLabel) property in a work object contained a double quote character at the end of the text string, the error "Null Pointer Exceptions in SafeURL" would occur in the Case Manager portal. This was caused by a double-call to the escape encoding for these characters, and has been corrected to encode them properly.

SR-117461 · Issue 169210

Delete All Links' button disabled if rule is read-only

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When an Application Requirement rule is read-only due to being in a locked ruleset etc., the Delete All Links button was offered as an option. In order to avoid confusion, the Delete All Links button is now readonly when the rule is not editable.

SR-117509 · Issue 168620

Tuned positioning of 'Party Role' by eliminating white space

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

The displayed Party Role in Work Parties was poorly positioned due to unnecessary white space. This has been fixed.

SR-117513 · Issue 169033

History Audit information corrected for validation failures

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Following a validation failure in a flow action where validation is done in the post-processing activity, one line of history was being written for each validation failure in addition to one for the successful Submit. This was caused by the activity writing the history for a local flow action prior to calling the RunFlowActionActivity in which the validation occurs. This has been corrected to avoid history entry for error cases.

SR-117559 · Issue 173118

Smoothed flow action migration

Resolved in Pega Version Pega Platform, Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Two incorrect behaviors were seen when using upgrade utilities: First, the "Convert Flow Action" utility did not automatically reference the new section it created for each flow action on the updated flow action. Additionally, Visible When Conditions on layouts in the flow action were incorrectly adopted to control the visibility of sections defined on the updated flow action. These issues were caused by inconsistent population of certain values within the rule data for upgraded flow actions, and have been resolved.

SR-117573 · Issue 171739

Fixed disappearing menu in modal dialog for IE11

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

After launching a local action in a modal dialog from a Navigation rule while using IE11, dismissing the local action caused the navigation rule to disappear until the browser was manually refreshed. This was caused by a routing issue with the menubar call that failed to correctly reload the menu, and has been corrected.

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