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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-118705 · Issue 174935

Corrected XML generation with element substitution

Resolved in Pega Version Pega Platform, Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When an XSD schema with XML element substitution was imported using the Integration -> Connectors -> Create Other integration option and the option to generate substitution groups was chosen, the parse rule was generated properly, but when it was embedded within another element it was not outputting properly. Similarly, when parsing an embedded element that has type substitution, it only parsed the common parts and ignored elements of the specialized type. This was traced to incorrect mapping rule generation for element substitutions, and the rule generation has been enhanced to create the appropriate component rules.

SR-118722 · Issue 175625

Excessive length of filter window corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

In work object Audit window, the History table -> Description column filter window is appearing very long. This was caused by an inadvertent change to the listview function in conjunction with the Time column filter, and has been fixed.

SR-118725 · Issue 174420

Corrected focus for filter window using WAI

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

With WAI enabled for work object - Audit window- History table - Time column, clicking on Filter window did not properly move the focus to the first element i.e., Add/Remove columns link. The getFirstInputElement API has been modified to fix the reported issue.

SR-118738 · Issue 172565

Handling corrected for drag and drop image attachments from Outlook

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

If a document containing an image was added to a work object from Outlook via drag and drop, it would be corrupted when opened. This was caused by an encoding/decoding mismatch - the encoding differed depending on whether the file was first saved to the desktop or not, but the decoding did not take that into account. This has been corrected.

SR-118880 · Issue 172588

Change Password redirect loop fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When URLEncryption is enabled along with Security Policies, redirection to the Change Password screen caused the browser to loop into an endless redirect (HTTP 302 loop). This was caused by Incorrect (un-obfuscated) data being used internally when obfuscation was enabled, and has been fixed.

SR-118884 · Issue 172536

Create Work correctly encodes Japanese characters

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When Japanese characters are passed as parameter to Create Work action, the newly created work item was registering cryptic characters instead of the expected Japanese characters. This was traced to a deprecated API, and has been corrected.

SR-118929 · Issue 177444

Fixed CPM alerts popup for Internet Explorer 8

Resolved in Pega Version Pega Platform, Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

The CPM messages and Alerts screen was not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer 8, and the selecting the 'Show All Workgroups?' checkbox did not show the workgroups on the 'Create a new alert message' popup window.This was caused by the z-index of chart legend being higher than the modal dialog, and has been fixed.

SR-118956 · Issue 175342

Smoothed error handling for searching in listview gadgets

Resolved in Pega Version Pega Platform, Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When using a gadget with a listview that includes a header and has "Display data in a frameset" under the Format tab checked, a sporadic "Missing Property .pyStreamName" error appeared when performing a search. This was traced to a timing issue with multiple clicks that caused some pages to be cleared once the report has been run. To correct this, whenever the stream name is empty, an error message to resubmit the request will be displayed to the user instead of an exception.

SR-118970 · Issue 176298

Corrected error flag location in layout with hidden tabs

Resolved in Pega Version Pega Platform, Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When working with a harness using tabgroups layout with multiple tabs where each tab contains sections with properties that are associated to validation rules, when validation failed the red cross error icon appeared on the wrong tab. This issue only occurred when there was a hidden tab in-between. This was caused by missing logic for handling the hidden tabs scenario, and has been fixed.

SR-119030 · Issue 172922

Clipboard privileges tightened to enhance security

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Using standard browser development tools, it was possible to insert a client-side modification into a Pega-served HTML page to allow a customer to access partial clipboard inspection functionality. To correct this, starting activity privileges have been tightened.

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