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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-117252 · Issue 174014

Modified SaveAs function for reports to avoid duplication

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

After using "SaveAs" on an existing report, subsequently using "Save" caused two instances of the report to be saved into the database with the same key. The SaveAs function has been modified to correct this.

SR-117255 · Issue 174772

Required fields corrected for repeating grids in accessibility mode

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When using a repeat grid with required fields in accessibility mode, the field displayed multiple asterisk symbols instead of one. This problem was with workform_accessibility.CSS, and was resolved by changing the background image url to "transparent". The "REQUIRED" text was also not showing with IE8: this was noticed only in IE8 Standards mode, and an accessibility check was added to generate the span containing REQUIRED text in the html stream.

SR-117265 · Issue 169903

Clarified "time" display for Calendar

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

While using "pxCalendar" section to display task time, '?' was displayed near the current time in Daily and Weekly view. To avoid confusion, the '?' symbol has been replaced with the text 'Time' in a field value, which can be overridden accordingly.

SR-117265 · Issue 170246

Clarified "time" display for Calendar

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

While using "pxCalendar" section to display task time, '?' was displayed near the current time in Daily and Weekly view. To avoid confusion, the '?' symbol has been replaced with the text 'Time' in a field value, which can be overridden accordingly.

SR-117266 · Issue 173481

Prompt Select modified to properly handle XSS functions

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

A selection made in Prompt Select was not retained after refresh when special characters were present in the selected value. This was caused by XSS filtering functions that compared an encrypted value with the prompt value and negated it when it wasn't equal. To fix this, PromptSelect has been modified to call the crossScriptingFilter API before appending strDefaultValue to the stream.

SR-117307 · Issue 171895

Improved submit flow for better accessibility with JAWS

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

When the Create or Submit button on a flow action is clicked, dismissing the "You are about to change the current window" popup would sometimes cause JAWS to read extraneous messages such as "Create button unavailable" and "Main region end". This behavior was sporadic and depended on how quickly the popup was dismissed. In order to avoid this, the button function calls have been modified.

SR-117391 · Issue 170006

Export to Excel replaces embedded control characters in APW

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

In Application Profile Wizard, attempting to Export to Excel would fail if any specifications text contained an embedded control character (such as might appear after cutting and pasting from a Word or text file). To prevent the exporting failure, any control characters introduced into the generated data are now replaced with spaces during the export process.

SR-117393 · Issue 171186

Accessibility expanded to cover out-of-the-box controls and dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Previously, out-of-the-box controls like DropDown, DateTime, and Icon were not marked as accessible. These controls have been updated to be included in the accessibility framework. In addition, the accessibility report was erroneously flagging dynamic layouts as not accessible: properties that only freeform layouts use, which would be legitimate reasons for flagging accessibility issues, are flagged for dynamic layouts if they happen to be present. This has been corrected.

SR-117836 · Issue 171042

Accessibility expanded to cover out-of-the-box controls and dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

Previously, out-of-the-box controls like DropDown, DateTime, and Icon were not marked as accessible. These controls have been updated to be included in the accessibility framework. In addition, the accessibility report was erroneously flagging dynamic layouts as not accessible: properties that only freeform layouts use, which would be legitimate reasons for flagging accessibility issues, are flagged for dynamic layouts if they happen to be present. This has been corrected.

SR-117421 · Issue 168940

Corrected handling of double quotes in work objects

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.7

If the subject (.pyLabel) property in a work object contained a double quote character at the end of the text string, the error "Null Pointer Exceptions in SafeURL" would occur in the Case Manager portal. This was caused by a double-call to the escape encoding for these characters, and has been corrected to encode them properly.

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