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Click the down-arrow (downarrow) at the right end of the current application name (on the left end of the header) to access the Application menu. LAPLM 3/3/2010 close but not finalV6.1Use the Application menu to:

Menu item


Switch Application Select an application to become your current application from those listed in your access group. The scope of the Application Explorer and many other facilities changes when you change the current application.

NoteYou can't use the Application menu to open the application rule for the current application. Use the Profile menu.
New Application > Application Profile Starts the Application Profiler which captures information about a planned application, such as requirements and use cases, to produce a document and provide a foundation for application development. See Application Profiler.
New Application > Application Accelerator Starts the Application Accelerator, which produces an initial set of rules (including classes and RuleSets) for a new application, new implementation, or framework extension based on your inputs and information entered in an Application Profile. See Application Accelerator.
New Application > Application Express Starts an accelerator which creates a simple starter application from a minimum of input values. Use this accelerator to produce a basic application for experimentation and learning only. See Application Express.
New Application > Profiles in Progress

Displays a list of Application Profiles currently in progress and those that you can modify. Select the profile you want to open and update.

Click New Application Profile to create a new profile. See Application Profile.

laplm 3/15/10
Switch Work Pool Select a work pool to move from your current work pool to another pool listed in your access group.
Switch Project Allows you to move from your current project to another project for which you have assigned work.

This menu option and the next two options are visible only if the project management interface is enabled for the current application and you have assigned tasks and bugs to resolve. See About the Project Explorer and Project Management interface.
Project Tasks Displays a list of (open) tasks for your current project that are assigned to you.
Refresh Tasks Synchronizes your list of tasks assigned from the Project Management Framework.
Definitions Project Management Framework, task, work pool
Related topics Designer Studio — Using the header
Designer Studio — Profile menu

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