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Methods and instructions by function

xxxxxxxx revise as needed for 6.2 Process Modeler xxxxxxxxUse this method in an activity to set (turn on) one or more tickets, or reset (turn off) one or more tickets.

TipAs a best practice to simplify your application, call the standard activity Work-.SetTicket from your activity rather than reference this method. That activity sets and later resets a single ticket, identified in an activity parameter.

CautionYour application must reset the tickets that it sets to prevent possibly indefinite looping behavior when work objects are later resolved. Design your activity or processing sequence to call the Obj-Set-Tickets twice; once to set the ticket and later to reset the same ticket. MULCK 11/16/04

Tickets in a flow rule are identified by the Ticket shape on the Diagram tab. Each ticket can identify a ticket rule. Tickets act as a type of event or condition. Setting a ticket is similar to "raising" an event or performing a GOTO statement in some programming environments.

When a ticket is set, processing of any currently executing flows that reference that ticket (subject to rule resolution) is paused. Flows not started, and flows started in the future, are not affected. Flow processing resumes at the ticket location.

A shape in a flow can require that two (or more) tickets to be set before control resumes at that shape.


This method has two parameters:




Optional. Identify one or more ticket names, typically the second key part of an instance of the Rule-Obj-Ticket rule type.

This ticket becomes "raised" or activated when this method executes, immediately affecting the processing of any flow (of appropriate Work- class) that contains a ticket of that name.


Optional. Identify the name of one or more tickets to be removed (disabled, inactivated). R-5917 Removing a ticket (or resetting it) has no effect on executing flows that have resumed processing at that ticket.

Resetting a ticket can affect other flows that require two or more tickets to be set before processing resumes.

Debugging aid

R-12540 As a debugging aid, the standard HTML rule @baseclass.DeferredOps interrogates system internals and presents an ordered list of deferred (uncommitted) database operations for the current Thread. Your activity can display this HTML rule using the Show-Page method.


When a ticket is raised (set) through this method, the system searches through all flows on the step page (not only through the flow that contains the activity that contains the method.)

It interrupts processing in any flow containing the ticket shape with the ticket name. Flow resumes under certain conditions at the ticket location on the Visio diagram.

Checking the method status

This method updates the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.

Definitions ticket
Related topics About Ticket rules
Flow form — Editing in Visio — Ticket shapes

UpMethods and instructions by function