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Completing the Attachments tab

About Application Use Case rules

Use the Attachments tab to view, add, and delete attachments containing reference materials related to the use case such as Word files, UML diagrams, PowerPoint presentations, informal sketches, or files from external systems.GRP-636 DCO




Specify a name for the attachment. The name must start with a letter and contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters.

Include in Document? GRP-18625

Select this checkbox to specify that the contents of the attachment should be included whenever the use case is included in a generated document (such as in the Application Profile wizard, the Application Accelerator, or the Document wizard).

Only Microsoft Word files are supported for inclusion in generated documents.

Attach File

Specify the file to be attached. Use the Browse button to locate the file and select it.

Upload File

Click to upload the file.

List of attachments

This section lists the files attached to this use case. The displayed description is the name that was entered when the file was originally attached.


To open the attached file and view its contents, click the displayed name.


Date and time when the file was attached to the use case.

Include in Doc?

Click to specify the contents of the file should be included whenever the use case is included in a generated document (such as in the Application Profile wizard, the Application Accelerator, or the Document wizard). GRP-18625

Delete row

Click to remove the attachment from this use case.

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