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Adding an Icon control

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V6.2 GRP-20247 pashm A cell in a layout or a harness header can contain an Icon control, which invokes an action when the user clicks or hovers the mouse pointer over the icon. This and the Button and Link controls share the same capabilities — their differences are mainly in their presentation.

As of V6.2, the Icon control uses the auto-generated control rule pxIcon. The icon and its behavior are governed by the settings in the rule form's Control tab. The Parameters tab is not available and the HTML cannot be edited. As a best practice, customize the control using its Parameters dialog within the context of the section; do not edit the rule itself.

This control replaces the V5.1x Icon control (supported in V6.X). See About the Icon control V5.1x. It is recommended that you use the pxIcon control rule in new development.

Follow these instructions to add an Icon control.

  1. Drag and drop the Icon control

Click the down arrow (Menu) in the Basic control group (Basics) and select the Icon control (Button). Drag the control to the cell or header area that is to contain it. When the pointer changes shape to indicate that a single cell or header is selected, release the mouse button.

If the cell is not empty, the dropped icon replaces the current contents of the cell or header location.

An Icon control can be placed in harness header.

  2. Complete the Cell Properties panel — Top fields

Click the magnifying glass icon (Magnifying glass) to open the Cell Properties panel. Complete the top fields that appear.

If the panel is pinned (Pinned), the wireframe presentation on the rule form changes immediately to reflect of your inputs. If the panel is not pinned (not pinned), click Apply to apply your inputs.




(Appears only when this field is in a section included within the current open rule.) Click to open the section that immediately contains the field.

Control The default pxIcon control rule appears. A default icon appears ( ) in the cell. Click the pencil icon (Pencil) to review the control rule identified in this field.

Customizing the control

The Icon's default parameters represent the basic configuration. However, you will need to specify the binary file used for the icon and the action or actions that will execute when the user clicks or hovers the mouse pointer over the icon. For example, you can configure the control to refresh a section or display a new harness. In addition, you may want to:

  • Add a label or tooltip.
  • Add conditions that, for specific users, disable or hide the icon.
Your edits apply only to the icon within the context of the section that contains it and do not update the underlying rule. See Control Form — Completing the Control tab for descriptions of the available parameters and how to define behaviors.

Do the following to customize an auto-generated control rule in a section:

  1. Open the section or harness that contains the rule.
  2. Select the cell containing the rule and open its Cell Properties panel.
  3. In the panel, select the magnifying glass icon () next to the Control field. This displays the control Parameters dialog, which contains most of the settings in the underlying rule's Control tab. (You cannot edit the rule form's Control Modes and UI Element settings from here.)
  4. Modify as necessary. To immediately render your changes, click OK in the dialog. If satisfactory, save the section. The system generates the XML representing your edits and stores it in the section.

  Standard icon controls

Process Commander provides standard variations of pxIcon. Each is preconfigured with an icon, tooltip, and action. It is suggested that you use these standard rules to ensure correct appearance and behavior. In the Cell Properties panel, use AutoComplete () in the Control field to select a rule.

If the action is not included in the list, keep pxIcon and use the Parameters dialog to define the control's look and behavior.

This table below describes the icon name, the icon, the action invoked when clicked, and the standard icon control rule, which contains the control's parameters.

Icon Name

Icon and Action

Control Rule

Add Item

— Adds (above or below) a row to a grid, tree, or tree grid layout

Add New Work

— Adds a new work object using the primary page data. Saves the new work object on the deferred list.


— Presents a list of work object attachments, so users can view or add attachments. This icon appears only for users who hold the Work-.AccessAuditTrail privilege.


— No action is associated with it.


— Closes the current form without applying any changes.


— For a cover work object, changes the form to allow users to view and navigate among the covered work objects. You can override a standard list view rule to control details of this display. See Understanding covers. C-2579

Delete Item

— Removes a row in a grid, tree, or tree grid layout.

Enable Action Section

— Presents the work object form in review-only mode; inputs allowed in the action section only.


— Redraw the form with all areas fully expanded.


— For a folder work object, changes the form to allow users to view and navigate among the associated work objects.

Finish Assignment

— Submits changes and marks this assignment as complete.

Get Next Work

— Cancels any unsubmitted changes and finds the most important assignment to work on next.


— Displays the work object history, for users who hold the Work-.AccessAuditTrail privilege.


— Starts browser-based printing, which prints the current work object form as displayed. This printout may not include desired fields and may use colors, fonts, and labels that are not desired in hard copy prints.

Reopen Work Item

— Reopens a resolved work object, for users who hold the Work-.Reopen privilege. Runs the standard activity Work-.Reopen or your application override.


— Presents the work object form in review-only mode, allowing no updates.


— Saves the work object with Submit.

Show Flow Location

— Known as the Where-am-I? icon, presents the current flow rule as Visio diagram, and marks the location of the current assignment with an arrow. This icon appears only to users who hold the Perform privilege. SR-1430 B-17011

TipIf the harness rule is a New harness — one supporting the entry of new work objects — do not include the Show Flow Location icon in most cases. A flow execution doesn't start until users submit a work object form. If you do include this icon in a New harness, use a when condition rule to disable the icon at runtime unless a non-blank work object ID exists. GROVS 2/9/06

Show Reopen Screen

— Shows the form in review mode but allows users to reopen a resolved work object. Available to users who hold the Work-.Reopen privilege. Runs the standard activity Work-.Reopen or your application override.

Spell Checker

Spellcheck — Enables spell-checking. See How to enable spellchecking in work object forms.


— Redraws the form in update mode. Appears only for users who hold the Work-.Update privilege. Update mode allows changes to values that appear in sections other than the TAKE ACTION section.

NoteThis capability is not desirable in all applications, as it allows users to overwrite values entered previously, perhaps by other users.

NoteThe  Apply   button sends changed user inputs to the server, but does not commit these changes. The user must select and complete a flow action to save the changes. See Understanding transactions in flow executions. Clinic 9/6/05


  3. Complete the Cell Properties panel — General tab

Complete the General tab.



Visible Select to determine when the icon appears. (If this setting is not applicable, the cell contents are blank.)
  • Choose Always to have the icon appear or be hidden based on the visibility of the enclosing section or flow action when the form is first presented or is refreshed. This condition is checked only once.
  • Choose Other Condition to make the visibility depend on a when condition rule, a Boolean expression evaluated only once, or a test evaluated repeatedly upon JavaScript events. C-1990B-21692
Condition SmartPrompt If you selected Other Condition for the Visible field, complete this field. Enter an expression involving another property, or identify the When Name key part of a when condition rule. PROJ-283 Specify one of three outcomes:
  • When condition rule — Enter the When Name key part of a when condition rule that determines the visibility of this field at runtime. The system uses the Applies To key part of the current rule in rule resolution to locate the when condition rule. Click the pencil icon (Pencil) to review or create the when condition rule.
  • Expression evaluated once — Enter an expression that returns true or false. This expression can involve multiple properties, function calls, and other syntax as supported by the <pega:when > JSP tag.
  • Simple Java expression evaluated upon JavaScript events — To dynamically control the visibility of this property with a JavaScript event, enter a simple comparison involving a target property and select the Run on Client? box. The result at runtime determines whether the content of this cell appears in read-only mode or in the mode of the enclosing layout.
    For example, enter .Color =="Blue" in this field to make this field visible when the property Color has the value Blue, and invisible otherwise. Depending on the state of the Run on Client checkbox, the comparison can be executed only once as the form is initially displayed, or dynamically. See Implementing dynamic form actions and the Client Event Editor. C-1990

An icon that is not visible is also disabled and cannot be clicked.

Run on Client? Appears if the Condition field contains a simple Java comparison.

Select to cause dynamic execution of the condition each time the value of the property mentioned in the condition changes. (Mark the field containing that property as a Client Event.) Leave cleared to cause the condition to execute only once, upon initial presentation of the form.

  4. Complete the Cell properties panel — Advanced tab

Complete the Advanced tab to control the presentation and visibility of the field.



Read-Write Style SmartPromptOptional. By default, when the work object form or flow action form appears in read-only mode, the CSS style named DataValueRead or DataValueRead RV2 applies. If this cell is not controlled by Smart Layout restrictions, you can enter another style name or select from those listed.

The SmartPrompt list shows all styles that start with the word Data. You are not limited to these styles.

Click the pencil icon (Pencil) to review the text file rule that defines the style sheet. Your application can override and extend this style sheet in an application text file rule.

Read-Only Style

SmartPromptOptional. By default, when the work object form or flow action form appears in read-only mode, the CSS style named DataValueRead or DataValueRead RV2 applies. If this cell is not controlled by Smart Layout restrictions, you can enter another style name or select from those listed.

The SmartPrompt list shows all styles that start with the word Data. You are not limited to these styles.

Click the pencil icon (Pencil) to review the text file rule that defines the style sheet. Your application can override and extend this style sheet in an application text file rule.

Inline Style To apply inline styling to this cell only, type a CSS style definition in this field, or click the magnifying glass to access a Style Editor window. Styles you enter in this field supplement and override style elements defined in style sheets, according to normal CSS rules.

Inline styles are recorded in the generated HTML for the form; they do not alter the CSS definitions.

Using the Style Editor

You can select the font, color, font size, text align, vertical align borders, margins, and other attributes of this cell using selection lists. The Style Editor maintains a preview of the resulting presentation. If you alter the style definition directly, click  Apply   to update the preview.

Click  OK   to record the style defined with the Style Editor in the panel.

Use Heading Styles Select to change the cell HTML element from <TD> to <TH>, with a resulting style change.
Show When Active This checkbox appears when control is placed in the repeating area of a Grid, Tree Grid, or Tree layout. If checked, the icon displays in the row only when the user selects it.

  Copying, deleting, duplicating, or moving an icon

TipUse these Windows operations to speed development:

Up About Flow Action rules

Up About Harness rules

Up About Section rules