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Create a RuleSet to identify, store, and manage the set of rules that define an application. Generally, you create two to five RuleSets per application.

CautionHow you use RuleSets in your application has important design and deployment consequences. For large and complex applications, several RuleSet may be appropriate. Before you create a RuleSet, think carefully about the purpose, use, and dependencies of current RuleSets and the new RuleSet.

Advanced featureIn versions before V6.1, you used New RuleSet and New RuleSet Version forms to create RuleSet and version rules, respectively. Beginning with V6.1, you simultaneously create both rules in the New RuleSet Version form. You can create versions for a given RuleSet from the Versions tab.

Select > Application > Structure to view a list of RuleSets in your application (including those your application is built on), and a list of prerequisites for each RuleSet.


Use the Rules Explorer to list all RuleSet rules in your system.


As a best practice, create the initial set of RuleSets you need using a wizard, such as the Application Accelerator.

When you create a new RuleSet, a default RuleSet version (01-01-01) is also created.

After you create a RuleSet and version, enable developers to create and modify rules in the new RuleSet by referencing the new RuleSet version in an application rule and an access group that is available to yourself or to other users.


RuleSet Name rules are part of the SysAdmin category. A RuleSet rule is an instance of the Rule-RuleSet-Name class.

Definitions check in, check out, delegated rules, private RuleSet, rule management facility
Related topics About RuleSet Version rules
Application Structure landing page
Standard rules Atlas — Standard RuleSets

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