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PROJ-372 5.3 The Package Work wizard enables you to quickly create a product rule (Rule-Admin-Product) that contains work objects, assignments, history, and attachments. After you create the product, you can use the wizard to go directly to the Product Migration wizard, which enables you efficiently transfer the product to multiple systems.

TipDon't confuse the Package Work wizard, described here, with the Application Package wizard, which also creates a product rule, but identifies the data instances (such as access groups and organizations) that belong to an application. For that wizard, see About the Package Work wizard.

About the wizard

Complete three steps to use the wizard:

Starting the wizard

Select> System > Tools > Package Work to open the wizard. BYRNB 2/23/10

The Step 1: Enter Description form opens and creates a work object using the prefix PXW-

If you have exited the wizard before completing the process (built a product) or cancelled it (clicked Cancel), a list displays the incomplete items when you start the wizard again. Select an item to open the wizard. Edits you may have entered are not retained.

You can create a new work object from the list by clicking New  .

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