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A work object attachment identifies a named file, screen shot image, URL or text note that a user or an activity has associated with a work object. These issues may arise:

System URL and Windows XP

If your workstation operating system is Windows XP SP2 and your Process Commander server is identified (in the URL on the Internet Explorer Address line) by an IP address or by a domain-qualified name (such as myserver.mydomain.sub), an Internet Explorer setting may restrict your ability to use file attachments. Open the Custom Levels dialog on the Security tab of the Tools > Internet Options panel for the Local Internet zone. Clear the Automatic Prompting for File Download setting.KHATV 4/05

File names

File names for attachments may contain letters, numbers, and special characters, except for the equal sign character. FIXED: You cannot attach a file that contains an ampersand character (&) in the file name. B-11514 Q-1553B-12720 B-188223

Maximum file size

R-6668 12/13/02 The size of a single file attachment is by default limited to 25 megabytes. Attempts to upload larger files fails with HTTP status 413.

You can set a higher or lower value by changing the value for the Initialization/MaximumFileUploadSizeMB element in the prconfig.xml file. STEWS 3/30/04 OK 5.1

Temporary directory path

A file attachment is initially uploaded into a temporary directory on the server. Files with very long names (not counting the path) may fail to be uploaded if the total of filename and path exceeds a Windows limit (255 characters) or a UNIX limit. Consult the Administration and Security guide for instructions on setting Initialization element in the prconfig.xml file to alleviate this issue. SR-1192

Work object handle

Your application can't save a work object attachment before saving (and committing) the work object first. The handle of the work object is needed during attachment processing, and this depends on the date and time the work object was first saved.

Related topics How to define and use attachment categories and versions
Understanding work object attachments
