You are here: Decision Strategy Manager > Predictive Analytics Director (PAD) portal > Model development with the Predictive analytics process wizard > Defining the predictor role

Defining the predictor role

Select the appropriate role for each predictor. A predictor is a field that has a predictive relationship with the outcome (the field whose behavior you want to predict). Predictors contain information about the cases whose values might show an association with the behavior you are trying to predict. For example, demographics (age, gender, marital status), geo-demographics (home address, employment address), financial (income, expenditure), activity or transaction information (amount of loan taken).

  1. Optional: In the Analyzing data step, click a predictor and analyze it in the Graphical view tab or Table view tab in the Binning and Grouping tabs.
  2. In the Analyzing data step, select a predictor and right-click it to select its role.

    Repeat this step for another predictor.

  3. Click Next.

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