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Standard properties in the History-Work- class

The standard properties in the History-Work- class support the work item history display from the History button.

This table identifies several of these, in alphabetical order, ignoring the first two characters of the name. Many properties are present only in work history records of specific types. For properties marked as computed by standard rules, do not set values for these properties in your application rules, except in unusual situations where you intend to override the default computation.




Duration in seconds of all operator time spent on this assignment. For pyHistoryType "F" only. Computed by standard rules.  
pyHistoryType A single letter indicating the event that caused this history instance to be created. For example, F indicates that a connector flow action was completed, and M indicates that a memo was added. Computed by standard rules. history type
pyPerformer Operator ID or "system, for history instances created by an agent. Computed by standard rules.  
pyPerformActionTime Elapsed time in seconds that the Perform user form was presented when a user processed the most recent (connector or local) flow action. For pyHistoryType F and L only. Computed by standard rules. Assignment statistics
pyPerformAssignmentTime Elapsed time in seconds spent by the current user on one or more flow actions this assignment.  Sum of one or more time intervals from the initial presentation of a Perform user form until it is closed or another appears. If this operator has completed three local actions and then finally completed a connector action, this is be the sum of four times. Time spent on this assignment by other users is not included. For pyHistoryType F only. Computed by standard rules. Assignment statistics
pyPerformTaskTime Similar to pyPerformAssignmentTime but not reset upon reassign.  Sum of pyPerformAssignmentTime values for all users who worked on the assignment, in seconds. For pyHistoryType "F" only. Computed by standard rules. Assignment statistics
pyWorkClass Work type of the work item. In some applications, a work item's work type may change during processing (to another type within the same work pool.) Computed by standard rules. work type

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