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Updated on May 27, 2022

Configuration formats determine the type of element defined in the component definition file, and how a field is displayed visually.


Presents the user with a checkbox, as shown in the following figure:

BOOLEAN format property pane
The property pane of the BOOLEAN format.

The following example code snippet shows the configuration of the BOOLEAN format in the component definition file:

      "name": "showGroupSeparators", 
      "label": "Show thousands separator", 
      "format": "BOOLEAN", 
      "visibility": "(!$this.displayAs = slider)" 


Shows or hides fields that are nested under a format attribute based on the values that are specified in the source object. You specify the cascading elements in the cascadeElements array and use the match attribute to specify the value to show when displaying the elements. The following figure shows an example of the CASCADE format with the fields (cascadeElements) displayed based on the selection in the Format field:

CASCADE format property pane with the cascading fields
The property pane of the CASCADE format.

The following example demonstrates an implementation of CASCADE in the SELECT format:

  "format": "CASCADE", 
  "visibility": "(formatter = Currency)", 
  "source": { 
     "format": "SELECT", 
     "label": "ISO Code Selection", 
     "name": "isoCodeSelection", 
     "defaultValue": "constant", 
     "source": [ 
           "key": "constant", 
           "value": "Constant" 
           "key": "propertyRef", 
           "value": "Property Reference" 
     "cascadeElements": [ 
           "key": "currencyISOCode", 
           "format": "TEXT", 
           "name": "currencyISOCode", 
           "label": "Currency ISO Code", 
           "defaultValue": "USD", 
           "match": "constant" 
           "key": "currencyISOCode", 
           "format": "PROPERTY", 
           "name": "currencyISOCode", 
           "label": "Currency ISO Code", 
           "match": "propertyRef" 

The following list shows the additional attributes that are specific to this format:

An array of the possible or allowed keys to match with the field values that are specified in the source object.
The value in the parent format field to match with the key in the cascadeElements array.
An object that specifies whether to show or hide the format field.


Presents the user with a content picker, in which users can modify the children in the viewMetadata region, as shown in the following figure:

CONTENTPICKER format property pane
The property pane of the CONTENTPICKER format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the CONTENTPICKER format in the component definition file:

      "name": "Fields", 
      "label": "Fields", 
      "format": "CONTENTPICKER",
      "itemTypes": ["Fields"], 
      "allowCreatingGroup": true 

The following list shows additional attributes that are specific to this format:

A Boolean value that determines whether to create groups in the view metadata with the CONTENTPICKER. Defaults to true, if not specified.
An array that specifies the type of elements in the region list. The default value is ["Fields", "Views"]. You can also use Widgets and Insights. This attribute is a renamed version of addTypeList.

You can configure the content picker to use the relevant record structure that the system returns when you edit a View. You can also configure the content picker to retrieve addable items from a data page list. If you do that, include a source attribute and set the saveToConfig attribute to true, as shown in the following example:

  format: "CONTENTPICKER", 
  name: "sourceList", 
  label: "Objects", 
  saveToConfig: true, 
  source: { 
    name: "D_ObjectsToExploreList", 
    parameters: { 
      "pyObjectType": "Data", 
    displayProp: "pyCaseName", 
    valueProp: "pyID", 

Parameters for the data page list are optional. The system saves the data to a view record in the config section as an array of values that are based on the valueProp setting.


Groups together fields or elements and presents the grouped fields as a single set. Use the GROUP format to collect similar controls together. The following figure shows an example of the GROUP format:

GROUP format property pane
The property pane of the GROUP format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the GROUP format in the component definition file:

   "label": "Input settings", 
   "format": "GROUP", 
   "visibility": "(!readOnly = true)", 
   "properties": [ 
       "name": "displayAs", 
       "label": "Display as", 
       "name": "min", 
       "label": "Min value", 
       "name": "max", 
       "label": "Max value", 
       "name": "defaultValue", 
       "label": "Default value", 
       "name": "step", 
       "label": "Increment", 
       "name": "helperText", 
       "label": "Helper text", 
       "name": "showInput", 
       "label": "Show numeric input", 
       "name": "showTicks", 
       "label": "Show ticks", 
The following list shows the additional attributes that are specific to this format:
Determines whether to display the grouped fields as a collapsible item. The default value is false.


Displays text in line with a field value, as shown in the following figure:

INLINE format property pane
The property pane of the INLINE format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the INLINE format in the component definition file:

  format: 'INLINE', 
  elements: [ 
      key: 'next', 
      format: 'LABEL', 
      label: 'Next', 
      variant: 'secondary' 
      key: 'nextYear', 
      format: 'TEXT', 
      name: 'nextYears', 
      label: 'Next Year', 
      required: false 
      key: 'year', 
      format: 'LABEL', 
      label: 'Years', 
      variant: 'secondary' 

The following list shows the additional attributes that are specific to this format:

Array elements to display inline with the text.
Determines how the element is displayed. Use this attribute in elements where you want to display the field label in a different style than the default text. Allowed values are primary, secondary, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6.


Determines the display format for a field label, as shown in the following figure:

LABEL format property pane
The property pane of the LABEL format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the LABEL format in the component definition file:

  "format": "LABEL", 
  "label": "Year range", 
  "variant": "secondary" 

The following figure and code snippet of the LABEL format with the h1variant value:

LABEL format property pane with h1 style
The property pane of the LABEL format.
  "format": "LABEL", 
  "label": "Content settings", 
  "name": "Content settings", 
  "variant": "h2" 
The following list shows the additional attributes that are specific to this format:
Determines how the element is displayed. Use this attribute to display the field label in a different style than the default text. Allowed values are primary, secondary, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6.


Presents the user with a text box in which they can input numbers, as shown in the following figure:

NUMBER format property pane
The property pane of the NUMBER format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the NUMBER format in the component definition file:

      "name": "min", 
      "label": "Min value", 
      "format": "NUMBER", 
      "defaultValue": "0", 
      "required": true, 
      "visibility": "($this.displayAs = slider)" 

The following list shows additional attributes that are specific to this format:

The minimum value that the system allows in the input. The default is 0.
The maximum value that the system allows in the input.
The maximum number of decimal places. The system rounds the value to the number of places.
BOOLEAN value to determine whether to show decimal places. The system rounds the values if this attribute is set to true.


Presents the user with a combo box to select a field record from the data model of the case type, as shown in the following figure. The properties that the system retrieves are based on the class of the view.

PROPERTY format property pane
The property pane of the PROPERTY format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the PROPERTY format in the component definition file:

       "key": "currencyISOCode", 
        "format": "PROPERTY", 
        "name": "currencyISOCode", 
        "label": "Currency ISO Code", 
        "match": "propertyRef" 


Presents the user with a drop-down list, as shown in the following figure. You can generate the list options based on a data page, or use hard-coded data.

SELECT format property pane
The property pane of the SELECT format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the SELECT format in the component definition file:

  "name": "displayAs", 
  "label": "Display as", 
  "format": "SELECT", 
  "defaultValue": "input", 
  "source": [ 
       "key": "input", 
       "value": "Input" 
       "key": "stepper", 
       "value": "Stepper" 
       "key": "slider", 
       "value": "Slider" 

The following list shows additional attributes specific to this implementation of the SELECT format:

Determines the default option from the list to display.
Determines the informational text to display in the field.
An array of key-value pairs for the list.

The following example code shows the implementation of the SELECT format with options loaded from a data page:

  format: "SELECT", 
  name: "displayAs", 
  label: "Display as", 
  source: { 
    name: "D_listOfInputs", 
    parameters: { 
      DataPageParam1: "hardcodedparamvalue", 
      DataPageParam2: "$", // uses value of `id` attribute in the metadata config 
    displayProp: "pyLabel", // default is "label" 
    valueProp: "pyValue", // default is "name" 

Note: You can also configure a field using the SELECT format to filter field records by using the source.filter attribute. For example, in the following sample code, the system filters records based on two fields: one field is empty (NULL), and the other field begins with a given string ("TEST-FIELDS-SCALAR") and does not contain a specific character (":").
  name: 'displayfield', 
  format: 'SELECT', 
  label: 'Display field', 
  visibility: "$this.displayAs != 'table' && $this.mode != 'readonly'", 
  source: { 
      '$this.isSystemField IS_NULL && $this.typeKey STARTS_WITH "Test-Fields-Scalar" && $this.typeKey NOT_CONTAINS ":"', 

The following list shows additional attributes specific to this implementation of the SELECT format:

Determines the default option from the list to display.
Determines the informational text to display in the field.
An object to configure the source of the options. Defaults to use the field records from the view context class, if not specified.
Determines the item in the source to use as the label. Defaults to label, if not specified.
The expression for filtering records from the specified source.
The name of the data page to call. Defaults to use the field records from the view context class, if not specified.
An object from the data page parameters.
Determines the item in the source to use as the value. Defaults to value, if not specified.


Presents the user with a text input, as shown in the following figure:

TEXT format property pane
The property pane of the TEXT format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the TEXT format in the component definition file:

      "name": "label", 
      "label": "Field label", 
      "format": "TEXT",
      "ignorePattern": '[0-9]', 
      "required": true 

The following list shows the additional attributes that are specific to this format:

Sets a regex pattern of characters to ignore in the field input. In the example code, this attribute is configured to ignore numbers.
A Boolean value that determines whether to include annotations in the view meta data. Defaults to true, if not specified.


Presents the user with a combo box to select a view record, as shown in the following figure:

VIEWPICKER format property pane
The property pane of the VIEWPICKER format.

The following example code shows the configuration of the VIEWPICKER format in the component definition file:

  format: "VIEWPICKER", 
  name: "tabContent", 
  label: "Tab content", 

Condition-based properties

Condition-based properties are applicable in all formats. They present the user with a drop-down menu of hard-coded options. Available condition properties are:


The following figure shows an example of the condition-based properties:

Conditions property pane
A typical Conditions property pane.

Note: The VISIBILITY format is not the same as the visibility parameter. The parameter determines when to display a field or field group in the property pane, whereas, the format determines when to show a field during application execution.

The following list shows an example figure and configuration of the properties in the component definition file:

    DISABLED format property pane
    The property pane of the DISABLED format.
      format: "DISABLED", 
      name: "disabled", 
      label: "Disabled", 
      visibility: "(!$this.readOnly = true)" 
    READONLY format property pane
    The property pane of the READONLY format.
      format: "READONLY", 
      name: "readOnly", 
      label: "Edit mode" 
    REQUIRED format property pane
    The property pane of the REQUIRED format.
       format: "REQUIRED", 
       name: "required", 
       label: "Required",
       visibility: "(!$this.readOnly = true)"
    VISIBILITY format property pane
    The property pane of the VISIBILITY format.
      format: "VISIBILITY", 
      name: "visibility", 
      label: "Visibility" 
  • The When rule option displays an additional combo box with a list of When rules that you can select, based on your requirements.
  • The Custom condition option presents a condition builder in a dialog box in which you define conditions, based on your requirements.

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