General information
Use the General information tab to add the test type, test description, and configurations for the number of questions, the duration, and the passing score.
Assessment experience
The assessment experience indicates which quiz type is displayed to the learner.
In the Assessment experience list, select Quiz.
In the Description text box, copy and paste the following text:
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Before you begin:
- The mission test measures your competency and skill.
- Successful completion of the mission test is required to receive the mission badge.
- Each question lets you check if your choices are correct or incorrect.
- Feedback is provided on each question submission, but not at the end of the test.
- Questions are worth one whole point.
- You can retry the entire mission test, but you are unable to retry individual questions.
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Number of questions
In the Number of questions field, enter the number of questions in the mission test.
In the Duration field, enter the length of time learners can expect to need to complete the mission test.
Passing score
In the Passing score field, enter 80.
Click Create Mission Test to begin adding the interactions.
To continue building the mission test, see Creating a mission test: Quiz.