Updating the Recent Interactions widget
After upgrading, the Recent Interactions widget in the Account composite does not show the Web Chat Bot, Outbound Email, and Outbound SMS interactions that were created before the upgrade.
Pega CRM for Financial Services
Update Guide
To insert the missing entries for the interactions into the index table that displays the Interaction history, run the following query on your database:
INSERT INTO "pegadata"."pca_index_ interactions" (accountnumber, createdatetime, interactiontype, itemid, workstatus, pxindexpurpose, pxinsindexedclass, pxinsindexedkey, pxobjclass, pylabel, pzinskey) SELECT accountnumber, pxcreatedatetime, interactiontype, pyid, pystatuswork, 'CAInteractionsByAccount', pxobjclass, pzinskey, 'Index-PegaCA-AccountInteractions', 'Interaction Account Index', pzinskey FROM <work table name> WHERE interactiontype IN ('outbound email', 'outbound SMS', 'Web Chatbot');
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