Pega Foundation for Financial Services database changes
Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.4
To view the list of the deprecated and withdrawn rules, and relevant records in 8.4, see the Excel file attached at the bottom of this article.
Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.3
The following are new database tables and data properties associated with Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.3.
Column name | Data type |
Related party attributes The following new columns are now available in the fsf_partyrelatttype table: | |
pra_relattriballowedmultivalue | character varying |
Reference: Merchant Category Codes (new table) The fsf_ref_merchantcategorycodes table is now available with the following columns:: | |
mcc_code | character varying |
mcc_description | character varying |
Authorized Merchant Category Codes for accounts The following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_authorization table: | |
a_merchantcategorycode | character varying |
a_merchantcategorycodedescription | character varying |
Organization (Customer) properties The following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_cust table: | |
c_incorporationdate | timestamp without time zone |
c_legalform | character varying |
Special circumstance for specific account holder The following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_custacctxref table: | |
ca_specialcircumstances | character varying |
Minimum due amount for loans The following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_loanacct table: | |
column | data type |
la_minimumdue | numeric |
Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.2
The following are new database tables and data properties associated with Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.2.
Column name | Data type |
Credit Cards Accounts TableThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_ccacct table: | |
cca_autopymntstartdate | timestamp without time zone |
cca_paymentfrequency | character varying |
Collateral Evaluation Table (New Table)The fsf_sample_collateralevaluation table is now available with the following columns: | |
ce_collid | character varying |
ce_evalby | character varying |
ce_evaldate | timestamp without time zone |
ce_evalid | character varying |
ce_evalmethod | character varying |
ce_evalsource | character varying |
ce_evalsourcedate | timestamp without time zone |
ce_evalvalue | character varying |
cs_specialcircumstance | character varying |
Illiquid Assets TableThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_illiquidasset table: | |
ia_amenities | character varying |
ia_assetaddressstate | character varying |
ia_body | character varying |
ia_buildingtype | character varying |
ia_buildon | character varying |
ia_builton | character varying |
ia_collateraltype | character varying |
ia_condition | character varying |
ia_constructionfeatures | character varying |
ia_cooling | character varying |
ia_drivetype | character varying |
ia_energy | character varying |
ia_engine | character varying |
ia_evaluationdate | timestamp without time zone |
ia_exteriorcolor | character varying |
ia_familyroom | character varying |
ia_flooling | character varying |
ia_flooring | character varying |
ia_foundation | character varying |
ia_heating | character varying |
ia_insurancecompany | character varying |
ia_insurancesecuritytype | character varying |
ia_interiorcolor | character varying |
ia_interiorfeatures | character varying |
ia_isinsured | character varying |
ia_lastpremiumamtpaid | numeric |
ia_lastpremiumamtpaiddate | timestamp without time zone |
ia_laundry | character varying |
ia_lienstatus | character varying |
ia_listingclass | character varying |
ia_listingtype | character varying |
ia_livingsqft | character varying |
ia_lotsize | numeric |
ia_mileage | numeric |
ia_numberofbathrooms | numeric |
ia_numberofbedrooms | numeric |
ia_onboardeddate | timestamp without time zone |
ia_parking | character varying |
ia_pricepersqft | numeric |
ia_registrationnumber | character varying |
ia_rooftype | character varying |
ia_secondaryholdername | character varying |
ia_sewer | character varying |
ia_status | character varying |
ia_utilities | character varying |
ia_vehiclemake | character varying |
ia_vehiclemodel | character varying |
ia_vehiclemodelyear | numeric |
ia_vinnumber | character varying |
ia_water | character varying |
ia_yard | character varying |
ia_yearbuilt | numeric |
Loan Accounts TableThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_loanacct table: | |
la_autopymntstartdate | timestamp without time zone |
la_billingcycle | character varying |
la_paymentfrequency | character varying |
Travel Info TableThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_travelinfo table: | |
ti_updtravelid | character varying |
Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.1
The following are new database tables and data properties associated with Pega Foundation for Financial Services 8.1.
Column name | Data type |
CountryThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_ref_country table: | |
cty_country_numeric_code_3 | character varying |
Illiquid AssetsThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_illiquidasset table: | |
ia_addresskey | character varying |
ia_addressline1 | character varying |
ia_addressline2 | character varying |
ia_addressline3 | character varying |
ia_addressline4 | character varying |
ia_city | character varying |
ia_country | character varying |
ia_currvaldate | timestamp without time zone |
ia_rank | character varying |
ia_released | character varying |
ia_type | character varying |
ia_vloclimit | numeric |
ia_zipcode | character varying |
Master profileThe following new columns are now available in the pc_work_masterprofile table: | |
dateofbirth | character varying |
is_pep | character varying |
legalentityidentifier | character varying |
ssn | character varying |
Currency (new table)Thefsf_ref_currencytable with the following columns is now available: | |
cy_country_code | character varying |
cy_currency_code | character varying |
cy_currency_name | character varying |
cy_currency_numeric_code | character varying |
cy_isavailable | character varying |
cy_iscrypto | character varying |
cy_isprimary | character varying |
Collateral assets (new table)Thefsf_sample_loancollassetxreftable with the following columns is now available: | |
lca_acctnbr | numeric |
lca_colldescription | character varying |
lca_collid | character varying |
lca_colltype | character varying |
Pega Foundation for Financial Services 7.31
The following are new database tables and data properties associated with Pega Foundation for Financial Services 7.31.
Column name | Data type |
Checking/Savings accountsThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_acct table: | |
a_substat | numeric |
a_substatus | character varying |
Accounts to investments cross-referencesThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_acct table: | |
ai_acctnbr | numeric |
ai_appl | numeric |
ai_features | character varying |
ai_gainorlossamount | numeric |
ai_gainorlosspercent | numeric |
ai_intendedactivitylevel | character varying |
ai_investmentobjective | character varying |
ai_lastcontributecurrency | numeric |
ai_lastcontributiondate | timestamp without time zone |
ai_lastdistributioncurrency | numeric |
ai_lastdistributiondate | timestamp without time zone |
Checking/savings account statementsThefsf_sample_acctstmt table with the following columns is now available: | |
as_beginningbalance | numeric |
as_endbalance | numeric |
as_enddate | timestamp without time zone |
as_frequency | character varying |
as_startdate | timestamp without time zone |
Bank informationThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_bank table: | |
b_country | character varying |
b_infodisplay | character varying |
b_label | character varying |
b_routingnumber | numeric |
Beneficiary informationThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_beneficiary table: | |
b_tier | character varying |
Credit card accountsThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_ccacct table: | |
cca_acctdesc | character varying |
cca_substat | numeric |
cca_substatus | character varying |
Credit card account statements (new table)Thefsf_sample_ccacctstmttable with the following columns is now available: | |
ccas_acctnbr | numeric |
ccas_beginningbalance | numeric |
ccas_endbalance | numeric |
ccas_enddate | timestamp without time zone |
ccas_frequency | character varying |
ccas_startdate | timestamp without time zone |
Capital markets accountsThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_cmacct table: | |
cma_acctpurpose | character varying |
cma_substat | numeric |
cma_substatus | character varying |
cma_todayschange | numeric |
cma_todayschangepercent | numeric |
cma_totalavailablecash | numeric |
cma_totalavailabletoinvest | numeric |
Capital markets account statementsThefsf_sample_cmacctstmt table with the following columns is now available: | |
cmas_acctnbr | numeric |
cmas_beginningbalance | numeric |
cmas_endbalance | numeric |
cmas_enddate | timestamp without time zone |
cmas_frequency | character varying |
cmas_startdate | timestamp without time zone |
Capital markets positionsThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_cmposition table: | |
cmp_accruedinterest | numeric |
cmp_apy | numeric |
cmp_apypercent | numeric |
cmp_couponrate | numeric |
cmp_ytdinterestpaid | numeric |
cmp_ytdinterestwithdrawn | numeric |
Country informationThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_country table: | |
cty_base_aml_index_score | character varying |
cty_intl_transaparency_listed | character varying |
cty_is_dcc_listed | character varying |
cty_is_fatf_listed | character varying |
cty_tax_secrecy_listed | character varying |
Customer informationThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_cust table: | |
c_customersubstatus | character varying |
c_substat | Numeric |
Customer to accounts cross-referencesThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_custacctxref table: | |
ca_financialinstitution | character varying |
ca_source | character varying |
Customer to documents cross-referencesThefsf_sample_custdocxref table with the following columns is now available: | |
cd_cifnbr | character varying |
cd_docexpirydate | timestamp without time zone |
cd_docname | character varying |
cd_doctype | character varying |
cd_issuedcountry | character varying |
cd_issuedstate | character varying |
Customer net worth statementsThefsf_sample_custnetworthstmt table with the following columns is now available: | |
cns_balance | Numeric |
cns_cifnbr | character varying |
cns_enddate | timestamp without time zone |
cns_frequency | character varying |
cns_networthtype | character varying |
Customer wealth investmentsThe fsf_sample_custwealthinvstmts table with the following columns is now available: | |
cwi_cifnbr | character varying |
cwi_companyname | character varying |
cwi_exchangeaffiliation | character varying |
cwi_goals | character varying |
cwi_investmentexperience | character varying |
cwi_investmentstyle | character varying |
cwi_position | character varying |
cwi_risktolerance | character varying |
cwi_shareholder | character varying |
cwi_tradingstyle | character varying |
cwi_wealthcategory | character varying |
cwi_wealthtier | character varying |
cwi_yearsofexperiencein | character varying |
Household InformationThe following new columns are now available in thefsf_sample_householdtable: | |
h_todaystotalchange | Numeric |
Illiquid assetThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_illiquidasset table: | |
ia_financialinstitution | character varying |
LiabilityThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_liability table: | |
l_source | character varying |
Liquid assetThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_liquidasset table: | |
la_source | character varying |
Loan account statementsThefsf_sample_loanacctstmt table with the following columns is now available: | |
las_acctnbr | numeric |
las_beginningbalance | numeric |
las_endbalance | numeric |
las_enddate | timestamp without time zone |
las_frequency | character varying |
las_startdate | timestamp without time zone |
SecurityThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_security table: | |
s_account | character varying |
s_region | character varying |
s_source | character varying |
s_tenure | character varying |
Sub industryThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_sample_subindustry table: | |
si_risk | character varying |
Master profileThe following new columns are now available in the pc_work_masterprofile table: | |
cddprofile_aml | character varying |
countryofresidence | character varying |
incorporationdate | character varying |
Data change trackerThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_changetracker table: | |
commitcomment | character varying |
committimestamp | timestamp without time zone |
customproperty3 | character varying |
Product matrix inclusion cross-referenceThe following new columns are now available in the fsf_pminclusionxref table: | |
pi_id | numeric |
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