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Updates to the Authentication Profile rule form

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now create OAuth 2.0 authentication profiles by using the enhanced rule form. For this profile type, you can select an OAuth 2.0 Provider data instance, a grant type, and the client information that you obtained from your OAuth 2.0 provider, such as Box or Facebook. You can also revoke issued access tokens on this rule form.

For more information, see Access protected API resources by using OAuth 2.0.

REST APIs for VTable cache management and quiesce operations

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

You can access, control, and manage in-memory VTable in cache for a specific rule class and instance name by using new Nodes REST APIs. You can reassemble and reload rules across the cluster and obtain cache entries for a specific node in the cluster. You can also start and cancel the quiesce process on any node in the cluster by using either immediate drain or slow drain.

For more information, see Pega API for Pega Platform 7.4 and Pega API.

Specify styles at run time in Pega Express

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

At run time in Pega® Express, you can now apply styling to many controls. Styling options vary from one control to another. For example, when you style a Dropdown control, you can specify text color, background fill and color, and border width and color. When you style controls directly in Pega Express, rather than switching to Designer Studio to modify the application skin, you can save development time.

For more information, see Styling controls at run time in Pega Express.

Quicker approach for reusing processes in a stage

Valid from Pega Version 7.4

You can now reuse processes more quickly in a stage when you define the life cycle for a case type. Reusing processes saves time and makes it easier to define processes for a stage instead of creating new ones. You can also reuse processes faster when you add parallel processes to a stage.

For more information, see Quick access for reusing processes in a stage.

Connect to external REST APIs by using OAuth 2.0

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now connect to external REST services that are provided by web applications, such as Twitter and Facebook, by using the OAuth 2.0 protocol client credentials grant. Your Pega 7 Platform application acts as an OAuth 2.0 client to access protected API resources. For example, you can connect to Twitter by using OAuth 2.0 to obtain a collection of tweets that match a specific query.

For more information, see Accessing protected API resources by using OAuth 2.0.

Support for enterprise and express applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.1.9

When you run the New Application wizard, you can create two types of applications:

  • Enterprise – A full-scale application that has access to all the capabilities in the Pega 7 Platform.

    By default, enterprise applications are developed in Designer Studio, but users have access to express mode.
  • Express – A small-scale application that has access to a subset of the capabilities in the Pega 7 Platform.

    Express applications are developed in express mode, and are ideal for new users or for quickly testing functionality.

For more information, see Express applications.

Support for application-specific REST API calls

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

You can now call an authenticated REST API in the context of any application that is listed on an operator record by using the application alias URL. With the application alias URL, you can also develop REST services without changing the access group in the service package. REST services run in the context of the access group that points to the provided application, instead of the access group that is specified in the service package.

For more information, see Invoking a REST service rule.

Tamper-proof Pega Web Mashup loading

Valid from Pega Version 8.5

To protect your application from hackers, Pega Web Mashup is now loaded in a more secure way. The system generates a channel ID in the mashup code for validation on the server, before passing the mashup request. 

For more information, see Creating a mashup.

Upgrade impact

After an upgrade to Pega Platform 8.5, existing mashups, which do not have the channel ID parameter in their code, cannot load and users see the access control warning.

What steps are required to update the application to be compatible with this change?

If you need to maintain full availability of the mashup during the upgrade of the production environment, perform the steps in Migrating existing mashups.

Improvements to Visual Business Director (VBD)

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

Business monitoring and reporting no longer depends on the external Visual Business Director service because VBD is now embedded in the Pega 7 Platform. You add a VBD node to the cluster to access VBD for simulations and monitoring. In addition, when you use the Google Chrome browser, VBD launches as a new HTML client that provides the visualization.

For more information, see The Visual Business Director (VBD) HTML client and Accessing Visual Business Director (VBD).

Interact with cases from external applications

Valid from Pega Version 7.2

You can now achieve API case integration by using the Integration case-wide property to generate code that allows you to interact with cases from external applications. The Generate create case microservice code option for microservice APIs automatically generates code that is specific to your case type. This option complements the Generate mashup code option, which generates code that you can use to embed Pega 7 Platform content in another application's web page.

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