SR-C98177 · Issue 437223
Explicit modal close added to MSOFileTransferButtons control
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When using a MSOFileTransferButtons control that included buttons for Download Template and Import, clicking Import caused a popup for File Upload to appear with two options - Upload and Cancel. On clicking 'cancel', an Invalid Static Content error was thrown. This was traced to legacy code interaction issues with newer features, and has been resolved with the addition of a custom script to close the modal on click of the cancel button.
SR-C97873 · Issue 437280
Added check to maintain key value when using collapseAllMenu in child navigation menu
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
After a navigation menu had a child added as reference navigation menu that used the function collapseAllMenus, the screen was freezing if a link was clicked in the added child navigation and a javascript error appeared on the console screen. This was traced to an improper key being set in sessionStorage object in setItem due to the nesting, and has been corrected by adding a check in sessionstorage setitem to maintain the proper key value.
SR-C93264 · Issue 437309
Inference engine enabled to resolve JourneyManager data flow exception
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Customer environments were intermittently seeing an exception with the error "Could not get ultimate primary destination for data flow .DF_JourneyManager" when trying to compile an activity that ran a dataflow that ultimately called the DF_JourneyManager data flow. This error was traced to the Inference engine being in a disabled state so the system was not able to get the dataflow output class via declare expressions. The Inference engine has now been enabled to resolve this issue.
SR-C97889 · Issue 437541
Performance improvements made on bulk actions
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Latency was observed when performing transfer Bulk Action on cases. Investigation showed that the "Select Action" button in pzBulkProcessingActionSection contained a refresh other section action for the pzBulkProcessingCheckbox section that executed on each row of the grid rendered. This refresh is not needed as the "Post value" action will take care of posting the selected checkbox data to clipboard, so it has been removed to resolve the performance issue.
SR-D2229 · Issue 437545
Repository Delete API updated for better use with cloud storage
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Previously, the Repository Delete API immediately checked if a file existed after attempting to delete it. When deleting files in S3, the file may not be immediately removed: due to S3's eventual consistency policy, the file could still exist at the time Pega was attempting to verify the deletion but be "deleted" according to Amazon. This caused a false alert that the file deletion was unsuccessful, leading to alert emails being sent and the Manifest file not being created, and in some cases generating an exception. To resolve this issue, the logic in Repository Delete that checked if file existed after attempting to delete it has been removed.
SR-C84361 · Issue 437599
Added handling for better recovery and reset when using 'When' conditional row deletion
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Given a 'When' condition configured so that a specific row could be deleted, trying to delete another row resulted in the expected error indicating it was not possible to delete that particular row. However, attempting to then delete the row with the 'When' condition caused the same failure error to appear which could not be cleared through clicking on the Refresh button for the section. In order to resolve this, handling has been added for a scenario where Obj-Delete fails and the record is marked for deferred commit. In this situation, the system will revert Obj-Delete by way of Obj-Save-Cancel in @baseclass.pzDeleteRecord so that a subsequent Obj-Delete does not pick up the previous record and fail again.
SR-D3788 · Issue 437778
Corrected temp page reference for save-as in CreateAndManageWorkFromEmail
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Attempting to save-as pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail was failing due to a missing reference to TempCurrentPage in Pages and Classes. This has been corrected.
SR-D22594 · Issue 437875
Fallback handling added for Cryptographic exceptions
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Cryptographic Exceptions were being generated while decrypting query parameters. This occurred when a node restart happened before passivation time out: the existing encryption keys are lost and new encryption keys are generated on node restart, resulting in any requests encrypted with previous keys (before node restart) to fail decryption. This issue did not occur when a requestor was passivated or nodes were quiesced, only when a node was abruptly shutdown. To resolved this, handling has been added which will fallback and decrypt with an older key if an exception is encountered when decrypting with the current key.
SR-D1458 · Issue 437893
Property name mapping moved to DSM side to ensure consistent results
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
If a Data Set rule was used to retrieve the records of the Data Class, the property names appeared to be changing randomly in the OperationResult Clipboard Page when the name exceeded 30 characters. This was traced to NativeSQL trimming and hashing any aliases that were longer than 30 characters, and has been resolved by moving the mapping back of property names to the DSM side.
SR-D1716 · Issue 438107
Fixed expand when issue on dymanic layout with custom header
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
After upgrade, a Dynamic layout with collapsible type Container setting which included a custom section to show the text and image in place of text had an 'expand when' condition applied that caused the entire dynamic layout to be malformed and show the raw HTML code if there was an error. This was traced to the system rendering the dynamic layout in non-template form if the header has a JSP section include, leading to the expandable layout header div HTML elements getting mixed up with the custom header sections HTML code due to the aria-label attributes. This has been resolved by removing the section stream from aria-label in RUF - GridHeaderElements.