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Process Commander employs sophisticated representations and processing of dates and times. The internal and external representations of dates and times are important to understand, and some care is needed when both designing applications and building applications that use dates, times, and date or time calculations.


A single Process Commander application can be deployed worldwide. The system can have:

To support varied needs, three different property types are available:

When presented with a DateTime value, a corresponding date and a time-of-day (in a specified time zone) can be determined.

However, the converse is not usually true: when starting with a Date and a TimeofDay value, multiple differing but "correct" DateTime values can be constructed, depending on assumptions about time zone, Daylight Savings Time, and other considerations. For example, when the date is January 1 in London, it can be December 31 in New York.

Likewise, when comparing two values, or computing with dates, times, and DateTime values, context is important. A time of 6:15 P.M. in London is earlier, not later, than 6:16 P.M. in New York.

Different languages and locales use different formats to present dates and times; Process Commander supports many output and import formats while using only three property types: Date, TimeofDay, and DateTime.

 The internal representations

The internal representations are efficient for sorting and comparisons and Java operations, but may not be familiar to business users:

 Entering date and time constants (developer)

When a developer enters a value corresponding to a Time of Day or DateTime into a rule form, no format conversion occurs, but certain shortcuts are available.

Date values

You can enter a date using either two or four digits for the year. If the year contains two digits, the system uses an algorithm to determine a "reasonable" century based on the current date. During 2006, the system prefers dates between 1997 and 2097. Examples:


CautionA property of type Date can have a null value. For example, if you use the Property-Set method to set a Date type value from a Text value that is null, the result is null. However, the Java Date operations convert an integer value of 0 to the date 19700101 (January 1, 1970). This Date value may result when Process Commander evaluates expressions that internally use the Java Date operations. VAGUE Clinic 1/12/06 OLSOK.

TimeofDay values

To enter a constant TimeofDay value into a rule form, enter either all six digits or omit the seconds portion. For example:

Time of Day

DateTime values

When entering a DateTime value, you can omit all the characters after the T, or omit the period and the millisecond values. If the year contains two digits, the system uses an algorithm to determine a "reasonable" century based on the current date. During 2006, the system prefers dates between 1997 and 2097. If you omit the time zone, the date and time are converted from the current server time zone to the GMT time zone by adding or subtracting hours. Examples:

DateTime examples

Date constants

When entering a Date literal constant as an entire expression, be sure to include double quotes, to distinguish:


the date December 15, 2006 from:


an integer that is converted to 20,061,215.

 Entering date and time constants (application user)

Entering and presenting values in an application context

Process Commander supports dozens of formats that your application can choose to present dates and times in ways familiar to application users. The formats that apply in specific cases depend on the selected non-auto-generated control rule or the configuration of the pxDateTime auto-generated control rule (Rule-HTML-Property rule type) associated with the property or the form and the locale.

Many formats are locale-specific, changing automatically based on the value set on each user's Windows workstation, or the locale of a user, as recorded in the Operator ID data instance.

For example, the date 20061215 can appear as any of the following:

December 15, 2006
15 décembre 2006

Similarly, many different formats and shortcuts are available for input. These date and time formats are based on version 1.3 of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR). PROJ-546

Time zone and Daylight Savings Time conversions

The boundaries of time zones change from time to time. In addition, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 changes the starting and ending dates for Daylight Savings Time in most of the United States, starting in 2007.

V5.3 uses the time zones provided by the JVM on which it runs. The JVM typically uses data provided by the Olson TZ database. Details on this database are available from

Tip Daylight savings time rules are supplied by Java JDK vendors. In a multinode system, it is important that the same rules are installed on each node. For specifics on Sun Microsystems JDKs, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-21247: Platform Bulletin: Sun JVM Issues. For details of vendor JDK support of daylight savings time and downloads, consult one of the following links:

WWW OK 1/28/09

Testing input and output formats

To see the effect of a specific control rule on input and output formats for a property:

  1. Open the Property form.
  2. Click the Preview toolbar button (Preview).
  3. Enter a value into the Input field. Click  Show output .

The Locale Settings tool is useful in understanding the effect of locales on date and time formats. See About the Locale Settings tool.

 Converting or comparing a DateTime value to a Date value

PRKB-19983 The first eight characters of a DateTime value match the structure of a Date value, that is YYYYMMDD, for example 20060930. Accordingly, a simple way to compare a Date value with a DateTime value is to first select a substring of the DateTime value, consisting of the initial eight characters. Both values then have a common string format and length, and a normal string comparison works.

For example, the Property-Set method "converts" a DateTime value to a Date value by selecting the first eight characters: PRKB-24087


When the DateTime value is 20071201T011532.006 GMT, the resulting value for the Date property MyDate is 20070120.

However, this approach ignores the time zone information in the DateTime value, because the Date value conveys no time zone.

TipUse the standard function rule:

@FormatDateTime(.pyExpireDateTime, "yyyyMMdd", "", "")

to convert a DateTime value to a Date value, in the time zone of the Process Commander server.
CautionAvoid using Date property types in persistent objects, such as work objects or assignments, even if your application is used in only a single time zone, unless a time zone value is also stored in another property of the object.

 Converting or comparing a DateTime value to a TimeOfDay value

The substring of a DateTime value from character position 10 to character position 15 contains a time-of-day value, in the format HHmmSS expected by a property that has a Type of TimeOfDay.

Similarly to Date conversion, you can "convert" or extract this TimeOfDay value from a DateTime value with a Property-Set assignment:

Date conversionWhen the DateTime value is 20071201T011532.006 GMT, the resulting value for the Time property MyTime is 011523.

However, this approach ignores the time zone information in the DateTime value, because the Time value conveys no time zone.

TipUse the standard function rule:

@FormatDateTime(.pyExpireDateTime, "HHmmss", "", "")

to convert a DateTime value to a TimeOfDay value, in the time zone of the Process Commander server. (For examples, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24087 How to extract a DateTime value to a Date or TimeOfDay value.
CautionAvoid using TimeofDay property types in persistent objects, such as work objects or assignments, even if your application is used in only a single time zone, unless a time zone value is also stored in another property of the object.

 Converting Date or TimeOfDay values to DateTime values

See Data type conversions in expressions and property assignments.

 Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 notes

Because vendors have implemented variations from SQL standards, mappings between Process Commander data types and database column types vary by vendor. For the PegaRULES database, Process Commander uses the mappings described here. REVISED PER ANIL's CORRECTIONS 8/25/2010

This information may be helpful when your application uses Connect SQL rules to access an external database that uses the vendor's software. D'SILA 9/1/10


The Oracle datatype DATE corresponds to the Process Commander DateTime property type. To save a Process Commander Date property into an Oracle database, use VARCHAR2(8), not DATE, as the Oracle datatype.


Similarly, the IBM DB2 datatypes DATE and TIME do not correspond to any Process Commander property types. Use a DB2 VARCHAR(8) datatype to map a Date or Time property to a DB2 column.

When feasible in external DB2 databases, use the DB2 TimeStamp datatype instead of DATE or TIME. If not feasible, use a Process Commander property type of Text to hold the value, which can be converted (cast).

Microsoft SQL Server

The Microsoft DATETIME datatype corresponds to the DateTime property type.

Definitions CLDR, Coordinated Universal Time, expression, Java Date Pattern, locale, symbolic date
Related topics How to enter constants in expressions
Contrasting time-qualified rules, DateTime circumstances, and historical processing
About the DateTime Parse Tester tool
Standard rules Atlas — Standard control rules without parameters
Atlas — Standard auto-generated control rules
