Enter a unique identifier. By convention, use the format
of an Internet email address. For example, if Patricia works
at Thorr, enter [email protected]. Walter Scafi at Markus
Bank in the United Kingdom can be identified by
[email protected]. The Operator ID need not match
a person's email address. You can use another permanent
identifier used within your company.
In addition to letters and digits, the identifier can
include the following characters: period, single quote,
tilde(~), underscore, exclamation point (!), ampersand
(&), octothorpe (#) and no more than one @ character. B-13252 Q-116 B-1725 also KARAF 12/20/05 also B-14424 see
attachments SR-3860 no / Don't use forward slash or
backslash characters in the identifier.
After a requestor logs in, this identifier is available on
the pxRequestor page as the pxUserIdentifier property.
As a best
practice, use the organization name (the key to an
Organization data instance) as a suffix in Operator IDs.
An Operator ID may be
up to 128 characters long.
Special processing
applies to any user identifier that starts with the word External . Use such identifiers only to define
external operators, those who use directed
Web access for one-time processing of assignments.
You can't use system as an Operator ID name. This name is
reserved, as it is used by agents. B-18709 Also, you
can't use pyBulkProcessing as a workbasket
name. This value is reserved for background bulk processing. PROJ-157