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Completing the Format tab

About List View rules

  Show all 

Complete this optional tab to identify HTML styles for the fields on the display, headers and footers, how user interface click events are processed, and other aspects of the presentation.

  View Style



View Style  
Style Name

SmartPromptIdentify a cascading style sheet (CSS) file that is contained in a text file rule. Enter the File Type key part, a slash character, and the File Name key part, for example css/ourreportstyles.

TipIn most situations, leave this field blank, using it only for unusual reports. As a best practice, define report styles for an entire application using a skin rule that is developed and maintained exclusively through the Branding wizard. This approach assures uniform presentation of list view output.

If you leave this blank, default styles apply, but vary depending on the Type field of the user's portal rule and any skin rule that the portal rule references. For additional information on styles, see:

Styles referenced here affect only the presentation of this individual list view report. You can override the styles for all list view and summary view reports at the portal level, through a skins rule that references report styles you have defined in your application. See About Skin rules.

  Row Format



Row Format

You can use this optional array to define styles applied to specific rows of this display.

For each row, the system evaluates all the conditions (in the order you enter them) and applies the style in the first row that evaluates to true. If none is true, no style is applied.

Evaluate Expression

Optional. Enter the name of a when condition rule or a boolean Java expression.

The when condition rule can evaluate property values in the row. For example, you can apply a special style to those rows of a list view report that contain your own Operator ID in a certain column.

Apply this style when true

Optional. Identify a style for a table row if the expression is true. This becomes the value of the CLASS=" " attribute for the <TR> table row element. Choose a style defined in the style sheet identified in the Style Name field.

  Alternate Row Styles

Optionally, you can identify styles to be applied to alternate rows of report output. HOW DO THESE INTERACT with the ROW FORMAT settings?



Odd Row

SmartPromptOptional. Identify the name of a style for the first, third, and other odd-numbered rows of the output. 5.5

Even Row

SmartPromptOptional. Identify the name of a style for the second, fourth, and other even-numbered rows of the output.

  Events Handling

C-506 Advanced featureComplete these optional fields to allow users to select a row and operate on in using mouse clicks. The system response can be an activity, started on the Process Commander server, or a JavaScript function, executing in a client browser session.

If you implement this capability, make sure the Applies To class of the list view report is an external class, make sure the Key of a Row field (on the Content tab) correctly identifies a property in the external class that uniquely identifies a row.

When the parameter param.glimpseMode is set to the literal value "scripts", the system responds to click events by calling the script identified in the call script function field. Otherwise, it responds by calling the activity.



Events Handling  
Single click event - call Activity

SmartPromptOptional. Identify an activity to run upon single click after a row is selected.

call script function

Optional. Identify a script function to run upon single click after a row is selected.

Double-click event - call Activity

SmartPromptOptional. Identify an activity to run upon double-click after a row is selected. This capability is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected.

call script Function

Optional. Identify a script to run upon double-click after a row is selected.

call script function

Advanced featureOptional. This field appears only when the Enable Selection of Rows option is selected on the Selectable tab. KARAF 12/15/08 Identify a callback JavaScript function with the signature:

(nRow, strClass, strInsName, strInsKey, strCategoryProp, strCategoryValue, lvRowItem, options)


  • nRow — index of the row, starting 1. If the Select All open is selected then this is set to -1.
  • strClasspxObjClass value of the record.
  • strInsName — value of pxInsName
  • strInsKey — value of pzInsKey
  • strCategoryProp — category property (if categorization is enabled)
  • strCategoryValue — category value (if categorization is enabled)
  • lvRowItem — structure describing a single row, with these fields:
  • Options.selected is true or false.

Your application can call the pega.ui.LVUtils.getSelectedRows() PublicAPI function to return an array of list view rows that the user selected.

Custom tool tip message

Optional. Enter Tooltip text to appear for a row.

Return properties to clients?

Advanced featureUsed in IWM only. If selected, at runtime when the call script function executes, Process Commander creates an arraylist of all the fields in the selected row and then builds an AJAX JSON object, sent to the browser. 5.5 1/22/08 BAJOA

Target Frame

Optional. Identify the HTML frame in the display for the output of the event. The default frame is DETAILS.

On load event call script function

Optional. Identify a script to run when this view is first displayed. This capability is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected.

Fragment for script functions

Optional. Identify an HTML Fragment rule that contains the functions identified above, or that references a static file containing the script functions.

TipThe standard HTML fragment rule ListViewSelectorScript contains JavaScript functions that you can use here. To review documentation on these functions, select Help > APIs > Desktop. Then click the List View Script link in the Packages area. PROJ-116

  Preview Setting



Preview Setting  
Show row preview?

Select to cause the list view display to include a rectangular area containing additional details for that row below each row. If selected the system finds and executes an HTML rule identified in the next field and presents the results below each row. R-19521 NATAA 5/4/07

Clear this box to eliminate preview area beneath each displayed row.

This capability is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected. C-2414


Optional. This field appears only when the Show row preview? box is selected.

Enter the second key part of an HTML rule that is to appear at runtime when users open the optional expanded area. The system uses a concrete class identified at runtime as the Applies To key part of the HTML rule; this class can be the same as or a subclass of the Applies To key part of this list view rule.

Design the HTML rule to display additional details about the row, or other information that is meaningful to users in context.

If you leave this field blank but the Show row preview? box is selected, the system at runtime looks for an HTML rule named Preview by default. (Define at least one HTML rule in an appropriate Applies To class, since the standard placeholder rule @baseclass.Preview contains no fields.) R-19521

Display data in a FrameSet

Select if you want to allow the user to access (by single-clicking a row) a set of additional fields to appear inside a frameset border below the rows.

If selected, at runtime a single click executes the activity in the Single click event - call Activity field, and presents the results in the frameset. NATAA 5/4/07

This capability is not available when the Embedded option (on the Display Fields tab) is selected.

Size of top frame in %

Optional. If you selected Display data in a FrameSet, specify here what percent of the height of the workspace is to hold rows of the report. For example, enter 80 to leave 20 percent of the height for the FrameSet information.

If you leave this blank, the default value is 70.

This field appears only when you select the Display data in a FrameSet checkbox.

  SmartInfo Settings (for hover)

Optionally, you can define a source for HTML code to be rendered in a pop-up window or displayed as an embedded <DIV> when users hold the mouse pointer over a row (hover) or when they click a row expand arrow(Row Expand Arrow) at the beginning of the row. For example, this capability can allow users to review details about a work object on a worklist, without requiring the users to open the work object.C-2343 SP6

SmartInfo pop-ups are designed for read-only presentation. Do not attempt to include input fields or other controls.



SmartInfo Settings  

Enter text to appear in the header of the pop-up window. Alternatively, if this list view report is to be localized, identify a field value rule to contain the header text.


Identify the name of an activity that computes the HTML text to be rendered. This activity must meet the following conditions:

  • The Applies To key part of the activity matches the Applies To key part of the list view rule, or is a parent class of this list rule.
  • On the Security tab, the May Start? checkbox is selected. KARAF 11/9/07
  • The activity accepts a parameter named keyHandle.
  • The activity assembles and returns text or an HTML stream that meets certain restrictions listed here.

For an example, review the standard activity Assign-.getWorkItemSmartInfo, which can be used to supplement worklist displays. It assembles an HTML stream by evaluating a section named Work-.WorkItemSmartInfo. (Although the standard activity is a Final rule, you can copy and override the section rule, to include fields in your application as appropriate, or copy the standard activity with a new name.

The activity can return HTML code that is a partial document that contains:

  • No <HTML> or </HTML> elements
  • No input fields
  • No <TEXTAREA > elements
  • No JavaScript code or calls

Additionally, when rendered by the client browser as a pop-up, the window must be modest in size.

TipTo aid users, include in the Description field a notification that this capability is available. For example:

Hold mouse pointer over any row to see details...

This facility uses AJAX to communicate user requests to the Process Commander server.

For an example activity that meets these criteria, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24125 How to enable a SmartInfo details display on report rows.


Select to have the SmartInfo content embedded in the report to display when you click the expand arrow at the beginning of the row.Proj-8605.4

When selected, at runtime a Row Expand Arrow (Row Expand Arrow) changes to a Row Collapse Arrow (Row Collapse Arrow), the workstation sends a request to the server to run the Content activity specified in the previous field, and the resulting HTML output appears below the current line.


SmartPromptOptional. Select one field — from those appearing in the Display fields tab — to activate the SmartInfo display — to cause the SmartInfo display to appear only when the mouse pointer is held over a value in that field.

If blank, the SmartInfo display is activated when the mouse pointer is held over any field in the row and does not move for at least 700 milliseconds. The workstation sends a request to the server to run the Content activity specified in the previous field, and the resulting HTML output appears in a pop-up window.

This field appears only when the Embedded? option is not selected.

SmartInfo Examples

For examples, see How to implement "hover and see" worklists with SmartInfo and these PDNPega Developer Network articles:

  Right-click SmartInfo Settings

Optionally, you can define a source for HTML code to be rendered in a pop-up window or displayed as an embedded <DIV> when users right-click a row. For example, this capability can allow users to review details about a work object on a worklist, without requiring the users to open the work object.C-2343 SP6

This feature works similarly to the SmartInfo Settings feature, but is started at runtime by a right-click rather than by hovering the mouse pointer. Your application can provide either or both SmartInfo capabilities. GRP-356 5.5

SmartInfo pop-ups are designed for read-only presentation. Do not attempt to include input fields or other controls.




SmartPromptOptional. Enter text to appear in the header of the pop-up window. Alternatively, if this list view report is to be localized, identify a field value rule to contain the header text.


SmartPromptOptional. Identify the name of an activity that computes the HTML text to be rendered. This field functions similarly to the Content field in SmartInfo Settings.


SmartPromptOptional. Select one field — from those appearing in the Display fields tab — to activate the SmartInfo display — to cause the SmartInfo display to appear only from a right-click operation over a value in that field. If blank, the SmartInfo display is activated from a right-click in any field in the row.

The workstation sends a request to the server to run the Content activity specified in the previous field, and the resulting HTML output appears in a pop-up window.

  Section Settings

You can add a header and footer to reports. For an example, see Pega Developer Network articlePDN PRKB-25211 How to add a header or footer to a report.



Section Settings 

SmartPromptOptional. Select a section that specifies the content of the report display header. Proj-860


SmartPromptOptional. Select a section that specifies the content of the report display footer. Proj-860

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