Pega Sales Automation procedures
Complete the procedures in this section to adopt features after an update to Pega Sales Automation version 8.7. In Pega Sales Automation versions 7.4 and later, security enhancements on
several rules require that an operator have new privileges to access the rules. Without the
new privileges, an operator cannot access the rules required to run the application. After
you update, complete the following steps to check if you need to add the new privileges to
any of your access roles. If you update from an earlier version, and your application uses the out-of-the-box
access roles, your operators acquire the required privilege after the update. If you use out-of-the-box access roles, add the access role to the access
group. For information, see Adding a role to an access group. If you use custom access roles, modify the custom access role to include
the privilege. For information, see Granting privileges to an access
role. In Pega Sales Automation for Insurance
8.7, rules using the D_TaskCategories and
D_ManageLossReasons data pages are changed to use field values to
display Type on the Task screen, and
Loss Reason on the Opportunity close
screen. If your Pega Customer Service for Insurance or Pega Sales Automation for Insurance
application uses out-of-the-box Federated Case Management case types, configure your
application to pass the web mashup channel ID. The channel ID is required to avoid URL
tampering and to load web mashup in a secure way. For information, see Adding support for Federated Case Management case
types and Pega Sales Automation for Insurance 8.5 and Pega
Underwriting for Insurance 8.5 integration. After an update to the current version of Pega Sales Automation for Insurance, perform the
following post-update tasks if you are upgrading from Pega Sales Automation for Insurance 7.22 or
7.31. PegaCRM-Entity-RelationshipGroup-Household PegaInsCRM-Work-RelationshipGroup-Household Review the following information to migrate data from Pega Sales Automation for Insurance 7.22
or 7.31. The following table describes deprecated activities, and the refactoring information
for each. Two quote sections are deprecated and two new sections are added. The new sections
conform to the Sales Automation for Insurance naming conventions. The sections are
invoked when adding, reviewing, and editing an internal or external quote. Deprecated
sections will be removed in a future release. The following tables shows the quote section changes from version 7.31 to version 7.4.
An asterisk (*) denotes a value that is circumstanced for Internal/External quotes. Structure - Harness New Structure - Harness: Perform Structure - Harness: ReviewChecking your Pega Sales Automation access roles for the required
Access role Privilege PegaCRM:User4 crmCanSAUserRunActivity,
crmCanCRMUserRunActivity PegaCRM-SFA:SysAdmin crmCanSAUserRunActivity,
crmCanCRMUserRunActivity PegaSFA-EmailServices crmCanSAUserRunActivity,
crmCanCRMUserRunActivity PegaCRMBase:Guest crmCanGuestUserRunActivity Migrating data table values to field values
Configuring Federated Case Management case types for web mashup
Updating from Pega Sales Automation for Insurance 7.22 or 7.31
Unique ID prefix Class reference BT PegaCRM-Data-BusinessTerritory DF- Pega-DM-DDF-Work HH- PR PegaCRM-Data-Product RT- PegaCRM-Data-RelationShipTypes TP- PegaCRM-Data-TimePeriod Migrating data from Pega Sales Automation for Insurance 7.22 or 7.31
pyclassname Activity Rulename Update Alternate Rule Name Code-Pega-List BusinessPolicyByProductOrProductGroup D_ShowPoliciesByProduct DataPage Activity replaced by Report Definition and
Data Transform rules Report Definition: PolicyByAccountAndProducts Data Transform:
ShowPoliciesByProduct Code-Pega-List IndvPolicyByProductOrProductGroup D_ShowPoliciesByProduct DataPage Activity replaced by Report Definition and
Data Transform rules Report Definition: PolicyByContactAndProducts Data Transform:
ShowPoliciesByProduct Code-Pega-List GetClaimsDetailsByID D_PolicyClaims DataPage Activity replaced by Report Definition and Data
Transform rules Data Transform: GetClaims Code-Pega-List LoadAllPolicies This activity in D_ShowPolicies DataPage replaced by Report
Definition Report Definition: FetchPolicies Data- GetCase D_OperatorLookup Datapage and related activity, GetCase withdrawn due to
non-use. PegaCRM-Data-Product FetchProductByID D_ProductByProductId Datapage updated to use Lookup method, so activity
withdrawn Lookup for Product Class - same parameter used for activity is used to do
the lookup. PegaCRM-Data-Product FetchProductByName D_ProductByProductName DataPage updated to use Data Transform rule and
activity withdrawn Data Transform: FetchProductByName PegaCRM-Portal GetSearchResults Activity withdrawn due to non-use PegaInsCRM-Data-CustSearch GetObjCount The FlowAction activity was replaced with Data Transform
GetObjCount. Data Transform: GetObjCount Data Page: D_GetQuotesByContactID Rpt
Definition: GetQuotesByContactId Leverages crmRelatedTasksForContact /
crmRelatedTasksForContact PegaInsCRM-Data-ManageLossReasons GetLossReasons Activity withdrawn due to non-use PegaInsCRM-Data-ManageTaskCategories GetTaskCategories The Section SFAPortal_Tools_Content has a Task categories Button that ran
GetTaskCategories activity for the Harness action. The secion rule has been
updated and no longer run an activity. The section, ManageTaskCategories, which
had a grid layout with pxResults has been updated with D_ManageTaskCategories
DataPage as a source. Section Updated: ManageTaskCategories DataPage: D_ManageTaskCategories
PegaInsCRM-Work- DetermineSourceSystem Activity ran Decision Table, DetermineSourceSystem. Activities that
referenced this activity were udpated to reference DT directly. Activities updated to use DT instead of calling activity:
PegaInsCRM-Work-Policy crmBulkPostMerge (withdrawn) PegaInsCRM-Work-SFA-Quote
crmBulkPostMerge (withdrawn) If these activities have been customized, they may
need to be refactored to call DT: PegaInsCRM-Work-Policy crmPreProcessRecord
PegaInsCRM-Work-SFA-Quote crmPreProcessRecord PegaInsCRM-Work- PercentageOfTop5SalesPriorities Was used in DataPage, D_PercentageOfTop5SalesPriorities Data Page D_PercentageOfTop5SalesPriorities updated to use Data Transform
PercentageOfTop5SalesPriorities PegaInsCRM-Work-Policy DetermineProductId Activity ran Decision Table DetermineProductId. Activity
GetPolicyDetailsByID was udpated to apply Data Transform
DetermineProductId Data Transform: DetermineProductId PegaInsCRM-Work-SFA-Opportunity AddFeedbacktoPulse This wrapper activity was withdrawn. FlowAction GetFeedback was updated to
call pxPostMessage activity directly. N/A PegaInsCRM-Work-SFA-Quote DetermineProductId Updated "GetQuoteDetails" activity to call decision table Data Transform: DetermineProductId PegaInsCRM-Work-Task GetWorkObjectsRelatedToTask Updated Datapage D_WorkObjectsRelatedToTask to use Report
Definitions. Activity withdrawn and GetWorkObjectsRelatedToTask RD's created in account,
contact, org, lead, opportunity classes UI Form 7.31 7.4 Harness New New Section pyNewWorkSummary pyNewWorkSummary Section WorkSummary* CaptureWorkPrimaryDetails* Section AddInternalQuote / AddExternalQuote Section AddInternalQuote_ToWrap / AddExternalQuote_ToWrap UI Form 7.31 7.4 FlowAction crmEdit crmEdit Section pyNewWorkSummary pyNewWorkSummary Section WorkSummary* CaptureWorkPrimaryDetails* Section AddInternalQuote / AddExternalQuote Section AddInternalQuote_ToWrap / AddExternalQuote_ToWrap UI Form 7.31 7.4 Harness Review New Section pyCaseMain Section pyWorkBody Section pyWorkBodyLeft Section pyWorkDetails pyWorkDetails Section WorkSummary* workPrimaryDetails* Section AddInternalQuote Section AddInternalQuote_ToWrap
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