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Backing up your system

Updated on June 22, 2022

When updating an application, back up your system after each step to ensure that you can revert to the last working version of the system if you encounter an issue.

Pega Smart Dispute for Issuers Update Guide
Important: Importing the new version of the application may require the execution of column and declare-index population jobs. These jobs run in the background, populating new columns and declare-indexes imported with the application, which requires the update of a great number of records. In PostgreSQL installations, this massive update of records may require additional temporary disk space, so ensure that there is enough disk space available for the database to expand accordingly.
Note: The deployment process modifies both the data schema and the rules schema. Use a backup procedure that preserves both schemas.
  1. Verify that all rules are checked in.
  2. Shut down the Pega Platform application server.
  3. Use your database utilities to complete an offline backup of the Pega database.
  4. Back up the configuration and environment files.
    If you edited any of the following Pega Platform configuration files in the APP-INF\classes directory of an EAR deployment or the WEB-INF\classes directory of a WAR deployment, include these files in the backup:
    • prconfig.xml
    • logging file: prlogging.xml or prlog4j2.xml
    • web.xml
    • pegarules.keyring or any other .keyring files
  5. Back up any third-party or custom JAR files that you installed.
    Redeploying the Pega Platform applications might delete these files from your application server.
    Note: If any existing CSPs are updated in the customer implementation layer, those updates are overwritten during the application upgrade. Those customizations must be redone manually by the customer after the upgrade is complete.

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