SR-D17919 · Issue 491579
Corrected thread switching when moving between interactions tabs
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When using Create New for a Phone Call-Consumer in one tab and Create New for an Outbound Phone Call on another tab, the thread was not changing when switching between the tabs of the interactions. Closing the Outbound call interaction resulted in null pages on the clipboard. This has been resolved by updating the pzpega_ui_doc_tabsupport file so it switches to root document context if called from onActivate function using a flag.
SR-D24262 · Issue 492552
Updated retry for context registraton
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
The system was intermittently hanging after importing zipped files. Investigation showed that Batch threads were becoming stuck in AuthorizationContextManagerImpl.setSpecializations() due to a 'while' loop in setSpecializations that was seeking to register the new context. To resolve this, logic has been added which will try to register up to 10 times. If for any reason it can't register, the system will just return the unregister LAC. The check before deregister has also been enhanced and now will only deregister if the new context and the current context are different. It will not call register if the current context and the new context are the same.
SR-D14159 · Issue 493081
Toggle added for displaying exception stack trace
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When text like "%25" was added to the login URL, the full exception stack was displayed on the screen. To resolve this, when the prconfig 'initialization/displayexceptiontraceback' is set to false (default value), the system will render the status.jsp instead of error.jsp and will not populate any sensitive data in the request object. If its set to true, the system will fall back to the old approach which renders error.jsp and emits the stacktrace.
SR-D23417 · Issue 493542
Image Attachment File Type error localized
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Localization has been added to the error message generated when an unsupported image is uploaded while in live-chat.
SR-D20144 · Issue 493561
Function LengthOfPageList resolves correctly for Insure framework
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When using the Insure framework, it was not possible to expand any steps in the activity. Investigation showed that the rule 'LengthOfPageList' was present in the library Utilities in two different rulesets – Pega Rules and Pega Insure CSB. When the rule was cached with an application stack containing Pega Insure CSB, it generated a "Failed to find instance" error for applications that did not use Pega Insure CSB in the stack. During the run-time call to the correct LengthOfPageList() RUF was not resolved because of ambiguity in the resolution. To correct this, the call to the RUF will now contain a fully qualified name.
SR-D26101 · Issue 494891
Added explicit step page to resolve NPE with custom error message
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
A null pointer exception was generated during case run time harness refresh after a custom error message was inserted. This was traced to a blank step page related to the custom message, and has been resolved by adding a primary step page at step 10 of the New(Work-) activity to prevent the NPE on harness reload.
SR-D22113 · Issue 498312
Multi-nodes rebuild LibraryMetadata to ensure all Rule-Utility-Functions are present on change
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1
When performing a complete Application import into a clean installation, references to certain Rule-Utility-Functions went unresolved during the initial assembly. Investigation showed that after introducing a new Rule-Utility-Library or Rule-Utility-Function on one node in a cluster and then generating that, the other nodes in the cluster did not have the correct LibraryMetaDataCache for that Rule-Utility-Library. Therefore assemblies on those other nodes could be bad and throw a runtime UnresolvedAssemblyError. This has been resolved by modifying the way the Library subsystem processes the node changes events for Library Generation to ensure that each node completely rebuilds the LibraryMetadata for that Rule-Utility-Library so it contains all the Rule-Utility-Functions.
SR-D23239 · Issue 499591
Support added for multi-operator SAML logins
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When a SAML user logged in by Single Sign-On (SAML), the system processed the login to portal as a different operator if there was a function on the Attribute field under Operator identification in the SAML authentication service. In this scenario, using an expression for operator provisioning did not work because all SAML login sessions resolved to same first operator due to parseAndEvaluateExpression() in ignoring new expression arguments if the expression page already existed. To support the use of multiple operator logins in this format, the system has been updated to clone a new expression page for every session and update it with the correct expression arguments.
SR-D32655 · Issue 510345
Enhancement added to hold Change Tracker values until UI is loaded
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
Sporadically, an agent attempting to answer a queued call within 10 seconds received a loading screen. By the time the load completed, the next agent had already taken the call. This is a scenario where based on a change, the agent was trying to refresh something on the UI (a section or harness) which was not yet loaded/present on the UI. To address this use case, an enhancement has been added to hold the change tracked values and handle them once the UI is loaded. The new function pega.ui.ChangeTracker.prototype.handlePendingCTChanges in pzpega_ui_changetracker.js is used to handle the pending CT changes. A hook has been added in the pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle js file to invoke the above function once the UI is loaded.
SR-D18879 · Issue 500643
Logic update made to PrepareColors to resolve calculation ambiguity
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When a Report Definition was summarized, the executed report showed a graph for multiple categories but generated the error "No data to display" if given a single category. This was traced to an ambiguity in the Java syntax of the Rule-Utility-Function pzPrepareColors that led to a NegativeArraySizeException on a customer's environment. To resolve this, parentheses have been placed around a ternary operator to ensure the correct order of operations.