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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A82337 · Issue 256391

Optimized properties populated in exposed columns

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After using the property optimization wizard to expose a property in a higher class, the column was not populated with data for existing instances of lower classes that used that property even though the column population job ran on those classes. The column was also not populated when new instances of the lower classes were created. This was an issue where the API was using different update methods for optimized and regular properties, causing propagation problems. HandleSchemaUpdates has been modified to update the class map for all the classes mapped to the table instead of just the class name with which the API is invoked.

SR-A92306 · Issue 259920

Enhancement added to configure Hazelcast threads

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An enhancement has been added to configure the number of threads used by Hazelcast via Data-Admin-System-Settings. The following 4 settings can be used, all associated with the Pega-Engine Ruleset, corresponding to Hazelcast System Settings: - hazelcast/operation/generic/thread/count - hazelcast/operation/thread/count - hazelcast/io/thread/count - hazelcast/event/thread/count If these settings are undefined, the system will fall back to Hazelcast default values.

SR-A92306 · Issue 260466

Enhancement added to configure Hazelcast threads

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An enhancement has been added to configure the number of threads used by Hazelcast via Data-Admin-System-Settings. The following 4 settings can be used, all associated with the Pega-Engine Ruleset, corresponding to Hazelcast System Settings: - hazelcast/operation/generic/thread/count - hazelcast/operation/thread/count - hazelcast/io/thread/count - hazelcast/event/thread/count If these settings are undefined, the system will fall back to Hazelcast default values.

SR-A93324 · Issue 260101

Pega-RULES DateTime handling corrected for backwards compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An error was found in the function Pega-RULES DateTime dateTimeToDecimal--(String,String,PublicAPI) that caused issues with backwards compatibility and possible XML Parsing Errors. Handling of the second parameter to the dateTimeToBigDecimal function has now been updated to be consistent with with previous versions.

SR-A22436 · Issue 252908

Handling added for ObjClass property status

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An issue was found with creating or updating SFA operators from the Sales Ops portal due to security tracking conflicts while working with pages that have pxObjClass as a normal property and pages with pxObjClass as a special Java property. To resolve this, a check has been added to verify the presence of pxObjClass both as a normal property as well as special java property to avoid conflicts.

SR-A87988 · Issue 255841

Resolved Null Pointer Error for static rule assembly

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An Null Pointer Error was being generated in some cases of static assembly due to the handling of the deletion of the used rules. This has been fixed.

SR-A86152 · Issue 255318

Resolved Null Pointer Error for static rule assembly

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An Null Pointer Error was being generated in some cases of static assembly due to the handling of the deletion of the used rules. This has been fixed.

SR-A76749 · Issue 252664

Changed cache behavior for DecisionParameters rule java class

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An OOM error was occurring due to multiple instances of the class loader "com.pega.pegarules.exec.internal.util.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB$Loader" being cached and each then loading an independent instance of the decision data rule Rule-Decision-DecisionParameters without subsequently invalidating the cache. To correct this, the has been updated to remove pdcache from PRSecurityPolicy..getProtectiondomain(...) so Policy Objects will not be cached. The expected impact on the system is minor.

SR-A75899 · Issue 256349

Character parsing improved for overridden sort function

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An overridden sort function could not be found when being called from a grid. This was due to the method name having two hyphens, and has been corrected by adding handling to strip and parse the methodName properly even when it contains "--".

SR-A75899 · Issue 260981

Character parsing improved for overridden sort function

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An overridden sort function could not be found when being called from a grid. This was due to the method name having two hyphens, and has been corrected by adding handling to strip and parse the methodName properly even when it contains "--".

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