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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A91839 · Issue 259235

Resolved ConcurrentModificationException in mContent iteration

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When adding or removing the items from a repeat grid and submitting the modal dialog, an intermittent ConcurrentModificationException was coming from the API ClipboardPageImpl.clearMessages(). This was traced to the function iterating over mContent and has been fixed by making a copy of mContent and iterating over that.

SR-A92219 · Issue 259481

XSD file contains classes extracted with -c flag

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When executing a BIX extract to XML using the -c flag, the XML file contained outer tags but the corresponding XSD file did not. This has been corrected.

SR-A93386 · Issue 262694

Header close added to enable proper load balancing

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When F5 was being used as a load balancer and the intention was to stop new connections before quiescing a node, sending a browser request between quiesce complete and node stoppage generated an HTTP 500 error on the first submission to the server after quiesce. Work could continue after this error. This issue was due to the system properly redirecting and invalidating the cookie but not closing the HTTP 1.1 connection session afterwards, resulting in the load balancer not properly rebalancing requests within the same HTTP 1.1 connection. F5 load balancer has a configuration which directs the node not to send new http requests to a quiesced node, but this confusion caused the existing connections to still be routed to old node. This has been fixed with the addition of an explicit Connection: Close Header as a 303 redirect so the load balancers will trigger a rebalance properly.

SR-A24414 · Issue 260410

Flexibility added for ruleset persistence with dynamic locale

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When launching an intent in CS, the content sporadically failed to localize all or part the content until the browser was refreshed and the task re-entered. This was caused by a configuration that was trying to set the locale dynamically, an unsupported function. To better support flexibility, changes have been made to honor the current Ruleset List instead of the default Ruleset List so that even if the locale changed dynamically, the changed rulesets will be persisted.

SR-A100572 · Issue 270091

getThread API respects Never create flag

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When setting initialization/persistrequestor = Never, a new thread was created on every getThread call where thread validation checks were not done. This allowed vulnerable thread names that were not checked and allowed to pass through. This was due to the getThread API not respecting the aCreateIfNotInDB flag, and has been fixed.

SR-A93593 · Issue 260733

Cross Origin mashup request fixed for Microsoft Internet Explorer /Safari

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the mashup code hosted in domain1 was trying to access the PRPC content hosted in domain2, it failed when using Microsoft Internet Explorer and Safari but worked in Google Chrome. For a HTTP request whose response status is 303, the response headers given using Dynamic system setting "http/responseHeaders" were not being sent. This has been corrected.

SR-A102433 · Issue 271744

Optional warn forced for PersistSystemInfo

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When using com.pega.pegarules.monitor.internal.state.DatabaseInfoHandler.persistAllCurrentComponents(PRThread), errors are logged and the flow continues. As this may cause customer logs to fill up with errors, the function has been changed to warn forced and stacktrace will only be displayed if debug is enabled.

SR-A100923 · Issue 269979

Property null check added to TrackSecurityChanges

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When using the out-of-the-box TrackSecurityChangesLogic activity in an application to track the property changes, an Null Pointer Error was generated when saving the property. This was due to a missing null check for the property, and has been fixed.

SR-A100816 · Issue 268476

MinimumAgeForProcessing honored when requeuing Broken-Process

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When using the Requeue feature from SMA, queue items were not honoring the existing (previously used) value of pyMinimumAgeForProcessing, instead setting the value as -1 so, all attempts were happening immediately. This was an issue with the Repair API in QueueManagerImpl not honoring minimumAgeForProcessing if MinimumDateForProcessing already existed in the queue item, and has been fixed.

SR-A19800 · Issue 253412

Switching fixed for interaction type threads

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When working with interactions in the portal, switching the threads from one interaction to another to perform some action and then clicking on the interaction type to return to the original thread generated the error "Failed to find instance @baseclass.Perform of type Rule-HTML-Harness". This was caused by the system not checking to see if the top level page was already open when returning, and has been fixed.

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