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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D94409 · Issue 553303

Strategy Explain message includes Component ID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

The Component ID has been restored to the Explain mode message for strategy results.

SR-D82727 · Issue 547724

Improved management for table pr_log_dataflow_events

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

The Lifecycle event table was sometimes growing too large. This additional strain of database transaction volume caused poor performance on the Dataflow tier and lead to cluster instability and time-consuming cluster restarts. Due to problems in one of the Pulse tasks, the Pulse thread was not processing single case metrics properly and causing the unbounded queue for single case to grow. This has been addressed by switching to a fixed queue size, which is configurable with the DSS: dnode/single_case_queue_size. The default value of the DSS is 4000, and if changed a system restart is required. An error will be logged each 1000 queue misses, and metrics will be dropped if the queue is full. In addition, the Pulse task frequency has been improved and managed to prevent interference with other Pulse tasks and will be triggered only if a run is system-paused for a long interval. Rebalances now have a failsafe if something unexpected happens during the Pausing of the run, and If the cluster becomes unstable, the life cycle events logs may be disabled with dataflow/run/events/persist .

SR-D89428 · Issue 550392

Data Flow StartTime uses locale timezone

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

The start time of the dataflow was displayed in GMT instead of the operator locale timezone. This has been corrected.

SR-D82150 · Issue 546531

Properties persist after revision import

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When properties were added to a form, they sometimes disappeared after revision import even though the properties always remained visible in a strategy. Investigation showed that the Form changes made in a DD rule were not properly updated in the pyEditElement section. To correct this, logic has been added to handle the form changes in the DD in the following activities: Data-Rule-Summary.pyMergePropositions Data-Rule-Summary.pyRemoveDDRules Data-Rule-Summary.pyWithdrawDDChanges Data-Rule-Summary.pyRemoveRestoreDDRule

SR-D89012 · Issue 550800

DelegatedRules refresh icon made accessible

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When using Accessibility, the refresh icon in pzDelegatedRules was being read as "Link". This has been corrected by adding text for the refresh icon.

SR-D77157 · Issue 544472

DataSet preview will use date instead of datetime

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

While using a DataSet preview functionality, the date appeared as reduced by one day. This has been resolved by parsing date as 'date' instead of 'datetime' to avoid issues with timezone interactions.

SR-D85111 · Issue 549197

Paging method updated for Select All in Broken Queue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

After clicking the 'Select All' box in Broken Queue In Admin Studio, scrolling up and down rapidly caused the checkboxes to be unselected. This was traced to the use of progressing paging in this scenario, and has been resolved by removing progressive paging and replacing it with the out of the box '1 of X' paging method.

SR-D90520 · Issue 552018

REST parameters updated for SauceLabs compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

After configuring a call to SauceLabs testing through Deployment manager, the REST call was timing out. Investigation traced the issue to SauceLabs changing its parameter name from "browser" to "browsername", and the Pega parameter names have now been updated to reflect that change.

SR-D78467 · Issue 542318

Component rule check added to suppress unnecessary guardrail warnings

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

After creating a component application using Configure > Application > Components, guardrail warnings were seen when saving the component. The component application allowed adding rulesets or other applications, but did not have all the tabs found in a normal application, so there was no option for adding the associated classes to define the UI class, Integration class and data class in the component application. As component is mostly a part of (or embedded inside) an application, this function was not given options to justify or suppress guardrail warnings like Rule-Application. To resolve this, a check has been added for component rule before generating guardrail warnings for Empty UI page, Empty Integration class, and Empty Data class.

SR-D85480 · Issue 546649

Repaired Tracer use with Google Chrome

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

After running Tracer while using Chrome, closing it and trying to run another resulted in an error indicating "Cannot Launch multiple tracer sessions for a requestor". This was identified as a bug with Google Chrome Versions greater than 70 and was caused by Chrome deprecating the use of sync XHR on page dismissal, and has been resolved by modifying the system to use a beacon API instead.

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