Building offers for Pega Collections contact treatments
In Pega Customer Decision Hub™ for Financial Services, Collections treatments run through offer rules. As described in Collections Interaction smart shape, smart shapes help you with using offer rules to update a case in the Pega Customer Service™ for Financial Services application.
Because Pega Customer Decision Hub for Financial Services and Pega Customer Service for Financial Services can reside in different applications, the Collections case can be locked before Pega Customer Decision Hub for Financial Services can update it. Pega recommends including a Wait shape before the Collections Interaction smart shape in your offer flows.
Adding a Wait shape pushes the handling of the offer to a wait agent and to a separate real-time work queue. This work queue will continue to try to handle the work in the queue and so, even if the collections case is locked, it will retry it after thirty seconds. This is especially important in the right to cure offer. In order for the Collections case to be updated with the right to cure mail or email, perform one of the following actions:
- Add a Wait shape at the start of the right to cure offer.
- Update the Send Email or Send SMS shape with a wait period.
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