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Reports in the Monitor Processes category

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TipThis topic describes the traditional ('fixed')l WorkManager portal introduced in V5.1. As a best practice in new applications, use a portal based on the composite Manager portal (introduced in V5.5), rather than the traditional WorkManager portal.

Reports in the Monitor Processes area of the Monitor Activity workspace cover open (unresolved) work objects. They support day-to-day monitoring of the backlogs of work that has arrived but is incomplete.

From the WorkManager portal, click the Monitor Activity bar to enter the Monitor Activity workspace. Locate the Monitor Processes area. Click the Browse Category button (Browse Category) to review the reports in this category.

Select a link and review the status line of the browser window to learn the name of the associated summary view or list view report.


Effort reports provide an ability to compare recorded labor time (.pyEffortActual) applied to work objects with an estimate (.pyEffortEstimate) recorded in each assignment task. Such reports are meaningful only if your flows and forms collect effort data.

Developers can change the order and links of reports of reports in this area by overriding model rules named System-User-MyRules.WorkMonitoringReports. See WorkManager portal — Evolving the Monitor Activity workspace.

  Summary view reports

These reports are based on summary view rules.



Count of Process Status


For open work objects, a pie chart with slices that identify specific status values.

Effort progress, grouped by customer


For open work objects, compares totals for estimated effort versus actual effort, summarized by customer (.pyCustomerEnterprise) and customer division (.pyCustomerOrg).

This can help identify which customers send work that requires the most labor.

Drill down to see the open work objects and the effort statistics for each.

Open count of work, grouped by status


Shows how many open work objects have each work object status value (such as New, Open, Pending, and so on). This can help identify how work progresses through the typical sequence of status values for your business.

Drill down a row to see the work objects.

Process status Chart

Click for example


Shows in a pie chart the fraction of open work objects that each work object status value (such as New, Open, Pending, and so on), for the current application only.

Tabular data below the chart shows counts. Drill down a row to see the work objects.

Progress by organization

Click for example


For open work objects, compares totals for estimated effort versus actual effort, summarized by unit, division, and organization.

This may identify which units spend the most labor effort on the application, and how the actual effort compares with the estimates.

Drill down to see the open work objects for a unit.

Progress by organization


Presents a horizontal bar chart comparing estimated effort versus actual effort, by unit, for open work objects in the current application owned by your current division.

This may identify which units spend the most labor effort on the application, and how the actual effort compares with the estimates.

Drill down to see the open work objects for a unit.

Throughput in past week Chart

Click for example


Presents a vertical bar chart with two bars for each work type in the current work pool, counts how many are open now versus open a week ago. BUT what is the definition of throughput Jon ?

Timeliness by
organization unit


Presents a horizontal bar chart with a bar for each unit in a division. The length of the each bar identifies the number of open work objects in the current application that are owned by the organization unit.

Colored segments identify work objects within the current goal (Green), those that are beyond the goal time but within the deadline time (Yellow), and those that are beyond the deadline time (Red).

A table with these counts appears below the chart. Click a row of the table to drill down to the open work objects.

Timeliness by work type


A report with drill down summary by work type listing how work objects are measuring against established service levels for Goal, Deadline, and Late.

This report allows users to select one work type and view the work objects.

  List view reports

These reports are based on list view rules.



Entered by Me


Lists open work objects that you entered.

Work by resolved operator


Lists work objects that you resolved.

Definitions assignment, deadline, division, effort, goal, organization unit, ownership, resolution quality, timeliness, throughput, worklist, workbasket, work group, work type, work queue
Related topics WorkManager portal — Monitoring activity
Standard rules Atlas — Standard properties in the Work- base class

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