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SearchC-1099Use the Application Explorer to obtain quick access to rules in a single application, organized by work type, category, and rule type. This explorer is most useful in development settings where a majority of rules have an Applies To key part that matches a work type.

In contrast to the Class Explorer and Rules Explorer, the Application Explorer shows only rules that are associated with the RuleSets that correspond to your current application — the application name that appears in the header of the Designer Studio window. This smaller selection of rules is easier to explore and navigate.

The exact set of rules that appear depend on your preference settings and selected work pool (as defined more precisely below).

  Starting the Application Explorer

The Application Explorer is available to all developer roles, and in the Business Analyst portal. To show the rules in your application:

  1. If your access group provides access to more than one application, select the one you want using Switch Application > application name from the Application menu. BYRNB 2/16/10
  2. From the Application menu, select Switch Work Pool > work pool nameBYRNB 2/16/10 to select a work pool name. The name appears in the workspace.
  3. Locate the Explorer Items menu on the left side of the Designer Studio window.
  4. Select Application ExplorerApplication Explorer from the down arrow at the right of the Explorer area.
  5. Use the drop-down list to select a class that is to be the root of the tree structure.
    The classes displayed in the drop-down list contain one or more best bets at the top. A Best Bet is a class in your application that is the Applies To key part of one or more rules.

  Setting preferences

Through preferences, you can control:

See Setting Application Explorer preferences.

  About the tree

The tree contains nodes that correspond to the category of rules they contain. Each node contains several types of rules, and then individual instances of each rule type in the deepest level. Each node only appears if it is not empty.

Rule Categories:

Application Definition   Data Model
Decision   Integration (and others, for the moment)
Process   Reports
SysAdmin   Technical
User Interface    

Within each rule type node, the following icons represent individual rules.

For properties with a mode other than Single Value, an icon indicates the mode. The following modes are most common:

  Interacting with the tree structure

Use these operations on the tree structure:

Advanced featureWhen you open or operate on a rule presented in the Application Explorer, Process Commander uses rule resolution to find the highest rule on your RuleSet list that you can execute. However, the tree structure in the Application Explorer presents all versions of rules in a RuleSet, not those you can execute. In unusual situations, the Application Explorer display may include a rule that you cannot execute.

  Interacting with the Visio flow editorxxxxxxxxx revise? FOR process modeler

When working in Visio you can add new flow shapes by dragging rule instances from the Application Explorer and dropping them onto the diagram. Click the icon to select the rule.

You can drag and drop rules of these types onto Visio diagrams. Proj-179, GRP-2259 v6.1 For an example, see Pega Developer Network article PRKB-26016 How to drag rules from the Application Explorer into shapes on a Visio flow diagram.


Flow Shape



Note Only screen flow instances can be dropped onto a screen flow diagram.


Flow action

Connector (flow action)

Note Not used in screen flows.

See Editing in Visio — Connectors and flow actions

Map value


See Flow form — Editing Decision shape properties

Decision tree


Decision table


Service level

No shape. Drop the instance on an Assignment shape to populate the Service Level field in the Assignment Properties panel.

Note Not used in screen flows.

See About Service Level rules


Shapes are determined by activity type as specified on the Security tab on the rule form. The types and their respective shapes are listed below.

Activity Type Resulting shape


NoteNot used in screen flows.

See Flow form — Editing Assignment shape properties



To use a connect activity in an Assignment-Service shape, drag it from the Visio palette onto the flow.

NoteNot used in screen flows. Shape does not appear on diagrams using BPMN stencils.


Flow form — Editing Integrator shape properties

Flow form — Editing Assignment service shape properties



See Flow form — Editing Utility shape properties





  • Drop the instance on an empty space in the diagram to add a Notify shape.
  • Drop the instance on an Assignment shape to populate the Notify field in the Assignment Properties panel.

Note Not used in screen flows. Shape does not appear in diagrams using BPMN stencils.

See Flow form — Editing the Notify shape properties

OnChange Utility


  • Drop the instance on an empty space in the diagram to add a Router shape.
  • Drop the instance on an Assignment shape to populate the Router field in the Assignment Properties panel.

Note Not used in screen flows. Shape does not appear in diagrams using BPMN stencils.

See Flow form — Editing the Router shape properties

Trigger Utility
Validate Utility
Utility Utility

Note You can (although not recommended) use an activity in a Utility shape that is not a Utility type (see table above). Doing so displays a warning message in the Utility Properties panel. The shape does not affect flow processing. Here is an example of a Validate activity:

You can drop some types of rule instances on a connector and automatically re-attach and create new arrows connecting the new shape to existing shapes. See Flow form - Editing in Visio — Connectors and flow actions.

   Using the context menu

Select a text value and right-click to access a context menu.

Depending on the type of the rule you select and other factors, a context menu can include the following menu options:

Menu item


Clone a Class Group Starts a wizard to copy the classes in a class group. See How to clone a class group. 5.4 TASK-1391 PROJ-787 WHEN DOES THIS APPEAR?
Collapse Collapses the subtree below the selected node.
Delegate Delegates the rule; this action is equivalent to clicking the Favorites toolbar button (Favorites). C-2252
Delete Deletes the rule. Available only for rules in top-level classes that belong to unlocked RuleSet versions. C-1969 (If the rule is checked out to you, the checked-out rule opens; the system asks you to confirm the deletion.)
Define Expression For properties where the expression icon (Declare Expression) is not present, creates the Declare Expression rule associated with this property at the current clipboard context. C-2064
Define Properties Starts the Define Properties wizard using the current work type or class as an input. See About the Define Properties wizard. C-2269
Definition Opens the class rule form. This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.
Expand Expands a Page, Page List, or Page Group property to display the subtree of its embedded properties.C-1969
Add to Favorites Opens a form allowing you to add the selected rule to your set of favorites. See favorites.
Filter by RuleSet

Opens a form allowing you to select RuleSets from those on your RuleSet list. After you click Submit, the tree substructure for the current class is refreshed to show only those rules that belong to the selected RuleSets. 5.5 GRP-458

This change remains in force until you use this menu choice again for this class, or log off. A check mark by the menu item indicates that filtering is in force for the selected class. Filter by RuleSet

Filtering affects only the Application Explorer display of the selected class; it does not affect the display of subclasses that are derived from this class.

Press the F5 key to refresh the display and remove all filtering.

The Filter by RuleSet menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.

Inheritance Starts the Class Inheritance display for the class in the Applies To key part of the selected rule. See About the Class Inheritance display.
Index Property Starts a wizard to build a Declare Index rule for the selected embedded property within a Page, Page List, or Page Group property. Requires special database privileges. See About the Declarative Index wizard. Proj-840 5.4
New > category > type Create a new rule, using the selected class as the Applies To key part. This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.
Optimize for Reporting Start the Property Optimization tool, which lets you expose a scalar property as a database column (on development systems only). See About the Property Optimization tool.
Open Expression For properties where the expression icon (Declare Expression) is present, opens the Declare Expression rule associated with this property and context. C-2064
Preview Presents a preview of the runtime appearance of the rule. This action is equivalent to clicking the Preview toolbar button (preview). C-2252
Related Rules Presents a second-level menu identifying other rules that related to this one — for example, circumstance-qualified, time-qualified, or checked out. Choose an item in the Related Rules submenu to open it. See Working with the Related Rules menu. C-2444
Rename Class Starts a wizard to rename the rules that apply to a class. See About the Rename a Class wizard. 5.4 TASK-1391 PROJ-787 (Appears only for class rules.)
Save As Opens the Save As dialog box, so you can copy the rule. C-1969
Show Calls For activities, displays the interactive Show Calls tree, which identifies called activities. See Activity form — Completing the Steps tab — Show Calls button. C-1107
Structure Displays the Class Structure diagram that includes this class. See About the Class Structure viewer.
Switch Class Appears for classes only. Makes the selected class the base class for the Application Explorer display.
Refactor Starts the Refactor Rules tool, to allow you to copy rules with a specific Applies To class (optionally including descendent classes) from one RuleSet into another RuleSet. See About the Refactor Rules tool. GRP-212 5.5
This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.
Refresh RuleSet Updates the Application Explorer display to reflect rules recently created (or renamed or deleted) by other developers in the RuleSet that contains the selected rule. (Rules you create, rename, or delete are always visible.)
Refresh All Updates the Application Explorer display to reflect rules recently created (or renamed or deleted) by other developers. (Rules you create, rename, or delete are always visible.) C-1969
Run Opens the rule and starts the unit test of the rule. This action is equivalent to clicking the Run toolbar button (Run). C-2252
View > Applicable Rules

Produce a report, in a separate window, of all rules that have the selected class as the Applies To key part, summarized by rule type. This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class. 5.5 GRP-458?

View > category > Type List rules of a specific rule type that have the selected class as the Applies To key part. This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.
View > INSTANCES > View Lists instances of the class (and subclasses). This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.
View > INSTANCES > Pop-Up Lists instances of the class (and subclasses), in a separate window. This menu item appears only when the selected item is a class.

Caution Advanced featureWhen you open or operate on a rule presented in the Application Explorer, Process Commander uses rule resolution to find the highest rule on your RuleSet list that you can execute. However, the tree structure in the Application Explorer presents all versions of rules in a RuleSet, not those you can execute. In unusual situations, the Application Explorer display can include a rule that you cannot execute.

  Creating new rules

To create a rule in your application:

  1. Right click menuDetermine to which work type the new rule is to belong. (That is, determine the Applies To key part.) Locate that node in the tree structure.
  2. Click the category icon next to that work type to access a list of categories.
  3. Click a category name to see the types in that category.
  4. Select a rule type. The New dialog box appears.

You can also choose New from a right-click context menu at the category level:

  1. CategoryDetermine to which work type the new rule belongs. (That is, determine the Applies To key part.) Locate that node in the tree structure.
  2. Locate the category for the new rule. Click the category icon ( for example) next to that work type to access a list of rule types.
  3. Select a rule type. The New dialog box appears

  Understanding when rules appear in the App Explorer tree

Which rules the Application Explorer presents depends on your current application, a work pool, and preferences. In some situations, the Application Explorer display may include rules that you do not consider part of the application, or may exclude others you expect. revised v5.1


Note The Application Explorer display filters by RuleSet but not by version. In some cases, the display can include rules in versions higher than the highest version to which you have access. It can also include blocked rules and rules with major versions lower than the current major version. You may not be able to open such rules or execute them. ZELEK 10/7/04, 7/7/05

Note Operation of the Application Explorer uses information in a view of the PegaRULES database named pr4_rule_summary, corresponding to the class Data-Rule-Summary. SR-437 SR-121

NoteIn unusual cases, the developer can select a work pool that does not match (belong to) the current application. In this case, the Application Explorer includes all rules from the RuleSets that use the work pool's RuleSet Version as a pre-requisite. BUG-7502 ZELEK Rejected

Definitions application, applicable rules, category, current application, private RuleSet, rule type, work pool name, work type
Related topics Common names for rules
Common names for data instances

Explorer tools — Workspace results

UpTools, accelerators, and wizards